Hi all, 

I've been searching everywhere for a more comprehensive explanation 
or work around but here's my problem.

I have a flex app that dynamically accesses a bunch of xml files to 
populate and configure itself.  Some of these files do not change 
very often so I was hoping to use the URLRequest and set the 
If-Modified-Since HTTP Header to make the HTTP call.  If the file 
hasn't changed, I would just load it from a SharedObject thereby 
saving the download time.  I wrote a handler to handle the 
HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS event, but when I run this, I always get 
a response code of 0.

I would like to get the response code of 304 from the http request 
and not deal with downloading if the file hasn't changed but have 
been banging my head on this problem all day.  I've read that FF 3 
and flex 3 might have this problem, but I also see this issue in 

Anyone have any thoughts or experience with this problem?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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