Hey Y'all,

   Ok, so I'm stumped...

I update my FB SDK to 3.3 and now, when I run the compiled swf's, I get this error:

Flex Error #1001: Digest mismatch with RSL http://localhost/GAP-Pages/framework_3.0.0.477.swf. Redeploy the matching RSL or relink your application with the matching library.

So, I understand (to a point) what the problem is...but I'm not sure how to fix it. I can work around it by changing the Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Framework Linkage from "Runtime shared library (RSL)" to "Merged into code". But by doing this, then my .swf sizes get fugly and so it's not a viable solution for the long term.

Can anyone explain to me exactly what I need to "re-link" to fix this problem?


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