Currently the only work around I have is to remove the LegendItem's from
the Legend and add new ones, such as:

                 var item:LegendItem = null;
                 var newItem:LegendItem = null;
                 for (var i:int = chartLegend.numChildren -1; i >= 0;
                     item = chartLegend.getChildAt(i) as LegendItem;
                     if ( item == null )

                     newItem = new LegendItem();
                     newItem.label = item.label;
                     newItem.setStyle("fill", fillFunction(
chartSeries.items[i], i ));
                     chartLegend.removeChildAt( i );
                     chartLegend.addChildAt( newItem, i );

Maybe this is a bug, since it appears that the LegendItem "fill"
property doesn't update in the UI.

--- In, "cwicky99" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to allow the user to select the color of the LegendItem.
> However, when I try and set the LegendItem "fill" style it doesn't
> change in the UI.
> I event tried:
> legendItem.setStyle("fill", new SolidColor(0xFF00FF));
> legendItem.invalidateDisplayList();
> ...but it has no effect.  I can call:
> legendItem.setStyle("color", new SolidColor(0xFF00FF));
> and the text associated with the LegendItem changes, but I can't seem
> to change the fill color during runtime.
> Any ideas or suggestions?

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