
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "charliecrystle" <charlie.crys...@...> wrote:
> Hi--I populate an ADG from a SQLite database. Works great. 
> But I when I add a record, I want to repopulate the ADG with the data I just 
> added, so I call the query function again, populate the ArrayCollection with 
> result.data, and refresh the ADG. 
> My AC is goalsAC. I tried goalsAC.removeAll(), but that doesn't work 
> (reported bug, apparently). 
> Here's the relevant code--you can see I'm trying anything to clear out the 
> arraycollection. Doesn't do the job:
>  gc.source=null; //gc is the MXML group collection in the ADG
>  goalsAC.source=new Array(); //goalsAC is the arraycollection
>  goalsAC=null;
>  goalsAC=new ArrayCollection(result.data)//result.data is SQLResults
> if (result.data != null)
>  {var numRows:int = result.data.length;
>     for (var i:int = 0; i < numRows; i++) 
>       {
>               var row:Object = goalsAC.source[i];
>               goalsAC.addItem(row); //adding rows from the 
>       }
>    }
> can anyone help? thanks!

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