After digging like crazy through the archive I can see that there have been a 
large number 
of questions related to this exact topic - I think that stems from people 
mostly not 
understanding the callback procedures involved.

For example I ultimately did discover the fillfunction callback for the 
piechart object, but I 
don't understand how that data gets propogated back to the legend. Right now 
the legend 
actually displays a different set of colors.

I found a (not quite as effective) alternate solution to my problem by just 
filling in an array 
with the colors I want in the order that I expect them - I then use that as the 
fill source for 
the chart after I populate it with data.

This creates the correct looking chart and legend, but ultimately colors are 
not explicitly 
bound to slice - there is a chance things can go wrong, so I'm still interested 
in the 
"correct" solution.

Also - does *anyone* know how to pull the PieSeries out of a PieChart. Once the 
chart is 
populated how do you pull out just the pieseries? If I had a get method for 
that data I 
could probably parse it and figure this whole thing out, but I don't have one 
so far :( 

--- In, "kamelkev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm sure someone has run into this before, but I search and search
> and find nothing that sounds right.
>   I am creating an applet that loads a remote xml document containing
> the necessary data I want to render within the pie chart.
>   I pass the labels, the "value" for the slice, along with a color -
> but it seems that the PieChart object and the related PieSeries object
> don't have the ability to "save" this data anywhere. Odd, but I
> figured I could just work around it.
>   My idea was more or less to iterate through the object slices within
> the HTTPservice response method, populate the chart, perform an
> invalidate to force the chart to load. After I did this I want to
> iterate through each slice using "getnextitem" or something and (using
> the data from my xml) set the colors explicitely within the chart
> directly.
>   This all sounded great this morning - but it's 8 hours later and I
> still haven't quite figured out how to do it. Am I chasing some
> impossible goal here? It's pretty important for me to explicitly bind
> specific colors to slice data so I see no way around this given the
> charting suite.
>   Also while I'm asking, does anyone know of any open source flex
> charting tools? I went to a conference in Portland last week where
> some Adobe guys mentioned it... but I can't seem to find the url with
> google.
> thanks in advance
>   Kevin Kamel

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