I believe lists have a variableRowHeight property...if you set the property to 
true and then call validateNow() the display should resize when the item 
renderer resizes, and this should work for all lists.

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--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Rich Christiansen <warpr...@...> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm having a hard time figuring out how to dynamically size 
> ItemRenderers in my app.
> The screenshot I've attached is from Picasa (not my app), and it 
> demonstrates what I'm trying to do.  The thumbnails along the top of the 
> image are displayed in a HorizontalList, and their size is dictated by 
> the slider (which I've circled in red).  As the slider moves to the 
> right, the thumbnails get larger, and as it moves to the left, the 
> thumbnails get smaller.
> I've found some tips on how to make this work in a TileList (with 
> columnWidth and rowHeight), but in a HorizontalList, there is no 
> columnWidth parameter.  I've also tried altering the width property in 
> all of its varieties (e.g. explicitWidth), along with invalidating the 
> component and dispatching an Event.RESIZE event.  However, nothing I do 
> seems to have any effect.  Can someone please point me in the right 
> direction?
> Thanks! :)
> -Rich
> P.S. That's Shawn White in the thumbnails, competing at last weekend's 
> US Superpipe Finals in Park City, Utah.  His run was absolutely 
> /incredible/.

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