It returns an empty XMLList.
//var result : XML = XML (e.result);
//var result : XML = <response><fault/></response>;
var result : XML = <response><user/></response>;
if (result.user.length ()) trace("Yippee!");
if (result.fault.length ()) trace("Boo!");

trace (result.user.length ());
trace (result.fault.length ());

--- In, "tddclare" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying a simple test, and either it's monday or my brain is
> broken... maybe both...
> I'm writing a login component, and fire off a HTTP service that
> returns XML as E4X.  The response XML is a <response> tag with 
> a <user> tag or a <fault> tag inside of it.
> All I want to do is test if there is a user or fault in the 
> I'm trying this:
> private function handle(e:ResultEvent):void {
>    if (e.result..user) {
>       trace("Yippee!)
>    }
>    if (e.result..fault) {
>       trace("Boo!)
>    }
> }
> The event is firing, but I always get "Yippee" even when I point at 
> file that has NO user tag.
> I've replaced the conditional with everything I can think of:
> e.result..user != null
> e.result..user != ""
> but it seems to fire no matter what.
> If the E4X parser does NOT find the descendant, what does it 
> Is this documented anywhere in the (not so good) Flex/AS3 
> Thanks!
> -- TC

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