That was it. I effectively had 2 different "cookie domains".
Thanks for the help.


--- In, Jeff Vroom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you are using HTTP-based channels, all of the cookies set by the
server should be returned to the client via the RemoteObject calls.  
Since you are seeing the jsessionid, it sounds like you are using HTTP
based channels.   If all cookies are not making it to the server, it
may be because you are using two different "cookie domains" in your
application.   As part of the set-cookie header, you can specify
additional information which broadens or narrows the scope of the
cookie's setting.   If you can sniff out the headers for the
set-cookie operation using an HTTP traffic sniffer or logging on the
server, you might see a difference in how these cookies are being set
or in how the URLs are formatted going to the server.  Any difference
in the server-name or port specification can alter the cookie
domain/handling - i.e. even and may
be treated as different cookie domains.   Definitely watch out for
"localhost" versus"   "" as that is a common way to switch
cookie domains too.
> Jeff
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Vijay Ganesan
> Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 1:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Flex RemoteObject and Browser cookies
> I have Flex-based Flash content running within a DHTML page. The swf
> contained in the page makes RemoteObject
> (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject) calls to the backend servlet. In
> these calls, I need to be able to send the Browser cookies set by the
> containing DHTML app. Currently the only cookie that seems to come
> through is the JSESSION cookie.
> I realize I can read the Browser cookies using ExternalInterface to
> invoke JavaScript, but once the cookies are read, how does one pass
> these cookies along when making a RemoteObject call in my Flex code?
> Thanks
> Vijay

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