UPDATE: I think this is being caused by a 'wipe" effect which is
touching the video. Still very annoying and not sure how to solve it
though, short of taking out the effects. I pre-load the videos before
the screen with the player is shown, so when I do reveal that screen,
the "wipe in" touches the player with the video inside it...

any ideas?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am attempting to load a flv file from a media server on a different
> url into our flex app. Extremely frustratingly, I get this error:
> SecurityError: Error #2122: Security sandbox violation:
> BitmapData.draw:
> http://localhost:8080/survey-service/client-1.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT.swf
> cannot access http://[OUR MEDIA
> A policy file is required, but the checkPolicyFile flag was not set
> when this media was loaded.
>       at flash.display::BitmapData/draw()
>       at mx.effects.effectClasses::MaskEffectInstance/getVisibleBounds()
>       at mx.effects.effectClasses::MaskEffectInstance/initMask()
>       at mx.effects.effectClasses::MaskEffectInstance/startEffect()
>       at mx.effects::Effect/play()
> [etc]
> I have no idea what is trying to "bitmap draw" or why. All i want to
> do is play the video, then move on to another screen by listening to
> the "COMPLETE" event. This error appears at the end of the video, and
> the complete event listener doesn't work.
> My #1 option would be to stop this "draw" call. I have no need to
> access bitmap data and shouldn't need a cross-domain file.
> #2 would be to upload the cross-domain policy file to the media
> server. Uploading the file is no problem, but to set "checkPolicyFile"
> it seems I need to access the netStream object. Flex's "VideoDisplay"
> seems to offer no way to do this. Is my only option to throw that
> away, and build my own player on top of the "Video" class?
> thanks!
> Ryan

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