No, I tried that and it didn't work.  Basiially, you create an array then 
assign the series to that array, then you have the ability to style your series 
through styles like...

metricsChart.series  =_seriesArray;
metricsChart.series[i]                  = series;


--- In, "Wally Kolcz" <wko...@...> wrote:
> With actionscript you can add them on the fly with addChild(), I don't think 
> you can add them dynamically with mxml unless they are 'static' options that 
> may or may not appear, then I think you can just have them set to 
> visible=false and includeInLayout=false.
> ----------------------------------------
> From: "djhatrick" <djhatr...@...>
> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 9:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] How to dynamically add series to  an 
> areaChart/cartesian chart 
> Hi, 
> I am working with about 8 charts in my ui, they all share common 
> functionality, how do I dynamically add series to my charts... is it as 
> simple as setting series on my super.chart?
> Are there any examples out there that show this?  Best practices too? Using 
> mxml or actionscript?
> Thanks,
> Patrick

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