FWIW, I was able to solve/workaround this by adding an extra HBox as the
only child of the Panel, and giving *it* the horizontalAlign and
verticalAlign settings.

On Nov 30, 2007 11:45 AM, Richard Rodseth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a variable-size dashboard-like component, centered inside a panel.
> The dashboard is encapsulated in an HBox with a border, and is made up of a
> couple of tilelists and some repeated items. It resizes correctly as its
> data changes.
> My problem is that when the dashboard gets too large to display, the
> panel  gets scrollbars correctly, but scrolling to the left doesn't take me
> all the way to the beginning of the dashboard, i.e. it's clipped.  Any
> ideas? I don't wish to give up the centering behaviour when the dashboard is
> small.

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