Here's the resolution if anyone else needs assistance:

--- In, "azona26" <azsl1326-em...@...> wrote:
> I am using a SkinnableDataContainer that has both a custom item renderer
> as well as a custom skin class. The item renderer is displaying a
> dynamic image as well as a static (predefined) image. This item renderer
> has 2 states, normal and selected. When the user clicks the item
> renderer the state changes to selected (background color changes from
> it's original color of blue to red). Upon mousing out of the item
> renderer, the state should stay 'selected' and the background color
> should remain red. However, this is not what is happening. The state
> returns to 'normal' and the background color returns to it's initial
> color of blue. This obviously is not the desired effect.
> Any ideas as to why this may be occurring?
> Thanks.

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