Does anyone know anything about this? Can you point me in the right 

--- In, "Randy Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I generated code using the webservice wizard, and then wrote a 
> mxml file to test the code. I get this error:
> 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method getClass through a 
> with static type Class.
> It occurs in the following code:
> /**
>   * Internal event handler to process a successful operation call 
> the server
>   * The result is decoded using the schema and operation settings 
> then the
>   * events get passed on to the actual facade that the user employs 
> the application
>   * @private
>   */
> private function processResult
> {
>    var token:AsyncToken = wrappedData.returnToken;
>    var currentOperation:WSDLOperation = wrappedData.operation;
>    var decoder:SOAPDecoder = new SOAPDecoder();
>    decoder.resultFormat="object";
>    decoder.ignoreWhitespace = true;
>    decoder.makeObjectsBindable=true;
>    decoder.wsdlOperation = currentOperation;
>    decoder.schemaManager = currentOperation.schemaManager;
>    var body:Object = result.message.body;
>    var stringResult:String = String(body);
>    if (stringResult == null || stringResult == "")
>      return;
>    var soapResult:SOAPResult =
> decoder.decodeResponse(result.message.body);
>    if (soapResult.isFault)
>    {
>      var faults:Array = soapResult.result as Array;
>      for each (var soapFault:Fault in faults)
>      {
>        var soapFaultEvent:FaultEvent =
> FaultEvent.createEvent(soapFault,token,null);
>        token.dispatchEvent(soapFaultEvent);
>      }
>    } else {
>      result = decoder.decodeResponse(result.message.body).result;
>      if (result is ArrayCollection)
>      {
>        //shoud upcast to specific type here
>        var arrayTypedClass:Class =
> SchemaTypeRegistry.getClass(
> );
>        result = new arrayTypedClass(result.source);
>      }
>      var event:ResultEvent = ResultEvent.createEvent
>      token.dispatchEvent(event);
>    }
> }
> The statement where the error occurs is highlighted above. The 
> says I should upcast to a specific type here, but I don't know what 
> means. Which specific type? How do I determine what type to upcast 
> Any help would be appreciated.
> TIA,
> Randy

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