OK, found the answer to this one... Basically, the static vars are being
looped and replaced with the actual bundle.properties key-value.

Hope this helps someone, it did me :)

On 11 May 2010 14:42, Nick Middleweek <n...@middleweek.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm looking at Resource bundles and Locales and trying to get an
> understanding of how they are working in a project I've just come from. Has
> anyone seen this before?...
> We have a component who's label was bound to a Class.property...
> <mx:Button id="me" label="{Labels.SAVE_LABEL}" />
> In the Labels Class, we have a bunch of properties, the .save looking as
> below...
> public static var SAVE_LABEL : String = "labels::search.save";
> ... and we also have ResourceBundles project which has multiple locale
> folders; there is a labels.properties file in each which have many key-value
> pair's including this one...
> .
> .
> search.save=Save
> .
> .
> .
> This seems pretty neat and better than using
> label="{...@resource(bundle='labels', key='search.save')}" everywhere. Has
> anyone seen this before and do you know how it is working?
> Thanks,
> Nick

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