It's most likely the browser caching the image, 
are you getting the image in a normal http request? over and over again?
ex:   http://www.mysite.com/image.jpg   
if so, just add a random number (a timestamp works fine) to the end of the url
ex:   http://www.mysite.com/image.jpg?12343545
This way the browser thinks it's a different image and will reload it.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "archtechcomputers" <archtechcomput...@...> 
> Hi
>   I have a Flex3 application that is displaying images from a security 
> camera.  The camera doesn't stream video but I can get a jpg from it. Because 
> the camera is on a different network, I had to write a php application to get 
> the jpg and send it to the flex app (due to security)
> The flex app has an auto update that after the image has loaded, a 10 sec 
> timer runs and reloads the image.  I load the image into a new bitmap and 
> then swap the images.
> Currently it stopped working.  it seems to only show the last image, like a 
> caching issue.  If I call on the php app the image updates with every reload. 
>  I don't see what might be causing this.
> Any suggestions.
> I was just looking at Tour de FLEX, and there were Effects like Crossfade 
> that could switch between images, but could I make the images dynamic, not 
> embedded?
> Thanks

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