Any ideas?  Maybe I'm way off base.

--- In, "Nate Pearson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to create a smoother resize effect on a flexbook component. 
> Right now I have multiple transparent pages that are custom components
> inside of a flexbook component.  In each of those pages I am drawing a
> lot in UpdateDisplayList.  
> When I resize the component it calls UpdateDisplayList multiple times.
>  I'm guessing that it calls it as many times as it can for the effect
> duration to make it a smooth transition.  Well this takes up some
> processing power and results in a jumpy resize.
> My question:  Is there a way to convert what is seen on the flexbook
> into a bitmap and do the resize on that.  Then when the resize is done
> call UpdateDisplayList and build everything again and get rid of the
> bitmap.  Would this even be a performance boost?  Is it possible?
> Thanks in advance.

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