so I found out that what you have to do after choosing a new Camera is
you have to reattach the camera to the VideoDisplay and if you are
attaching your camer to a NetStream you also have to run the command
to attach the camera to that again as well. Once you do that all is good.

--- In, "flashalisious" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok so I am building a Flex app that is using the Camera Class to show
> the user in a VideoDisplay using whatever camera that is attached to
> the users computer. What I would like to do is allow the user to
> switch between more than one camera if they have more than one
hooked up.
> I know the user can do this using the Flash Security Panel but I would
> like a better interface for doing this.
> Currently I have a ComboBox that has a list of available cameras. I am
> able to find this by saying Camera.names;
> I am using Caringorm so I have a Referance to my camera variable in
> the Model so that I can get to it from the component that I am
> building for switching the camera. Currently I am trying to do this.
> _modelLocator._cam = Camera.getCamera(combobox.selectedItem.toString);
> this does not switch the camera to the newly selected camera. 
> Wondering how you guys would make this work?
> -Matthew

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