You will need to monitor a couple of events: creationComplete and show. The 
creationComplete event will fire once when the tab is first instantiated; show 
will fire each time the tab is shown EXCEPT on first instantiation.



--- In, "martinosaint" <mar...@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I ran into the following issue. I have a Flex application with multiple 
> pages, and the navigation is done via a TabNavigator.
> Now if I navigate around, each mxml component within the Tab Navigator gets 
> called. However, if I navigate away from page A, and come back later to it, 
> the member variables are still instantiated and have all their values 
> assigned.
> Is there a way to force Flex to reinstantiate the component each time it is 
> called?
> I am having the problem because I come back with a different ID for this 
> page, thus I need to refresh everything and reload new data, but I do not 
> want to reset, and re-initialize all member variables manually.
> Thx,
> Martin

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