I did something like this not so long ago.

What I did was take the code from Flex 3 Style Explorer
orer.html); The code for the
collapsible panel on the left. And then created a component out of it
(Modified so it was horizontal instead of vertical).

I then used a repeater to repeat this component as many times as I
needed. I send out an event whenever one of these is
expanded. Each of these components listens for the event and if it is
expanded, it will contract.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "sudha_bsb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any component out there which is similar to accordion, except
> that initially all accordion items will be collapsed.
> As we click on each accordion item....the corresponding one expands
> and the rest collapse.
> Only initially, all the accordion items will be collapsed.
> Please help if there are any pointers to this or guide me in building
> this component...
> Thanks,
> Sudha.

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