Message Service destinations support subtopics -  The subtopic feature 
lets you divide the messages that a Producer component sends to a 
destination into specific categories in the destination. You can 
configure a Consumer component that subscribes to the destination to 
receive only messages sent to a specific subtopic or set of subtopics. 
You use wildcard characters (*) to subscribe for messages from more 
than one subtopic.

Also you could use- Message filtering
Use the AsyncMessage.headers property of the message to specify the 
message headers. The headers are contained in an associative Array 
where the key is the header name and the value is either a String or a 

message.headers = new Array();
                message.headers["prop1"] = 5;

It depends on what you need

--- In, "netdeep" <deep...@...> wrote:
> I have blazeds working on a channel I have set up, but how do you 
filter out the 
> information you broadcast on that channel? If I want to send data to 
one instance of my 
> application, but no another, how do I determine that. Here is how I 
set up the message in 
> java and flex. I have tried setting the consumer.selector as it says 
to in the documentation, 
> but that doesn't seem to do anything, at least not the way I'm doing 
it.  Here is the code:
> <!-- flex code -->
> <mx:Consumer id="consumer" destination="factory" 
> message="msgHandler(event.message)"/>
> <!-- actionscript snippet
> consumer.selector = "reportID = '"+reportID+"'";
> consumer.subscribe();
> -->
> // java code
> message = new AsyncMessage(); 
> message.setDestination("factory"); // the channel I've set up
> message.setClientId(clientID);
> message.setMessageId(UUIDUtils.createUUID());
> message.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
> message.setHeader("reportID", this.getRepID());
> message.setBody(channelDef);  // my object
> service.pushMessageToClients(message, false);

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