
> Is it possible to override global functions such as trace( ) ?� For
example, sometimes I want the trace( ) to tell me where they are
called from, but it's kinda a pain to have to import
getQualifiedClassName and sprinkle code with stuff like
(getQualifiedClassName(this) + ": " + ...); all over the place.

you can override the global trace function at the class level

package foobar
   public class MyClass

     public function MyClass()
     trace( "hello world" ); //output "[ hello world ]"

     protected function trace( ...args ):void
            args.unshift( "[" );
            args.push( "]" );
            var msg:String = args.join(" ");
            public::trace( msg ); //thanks namespaces


if you're using a debug version of flash

you can use a StackTrace trick to have more infos in your overrided trace

     protected function trace( ...args ):void
            var stackTrace: String;
                throw new Error();
            catch ( e:Error )
                stackTrace = e.getStackTrace();

            stackTrace = stackTrace.split( "\n" )[2];

            args.unshift( getTimer() + " - [" );
            args.push( "] - " + stackTrace );
            var msg:String = args.join(" ");
            public::trace( msg );
will output something like
123 - [ hello world ] -         at

alos you can use flash.trace.Trace and you will really trace
everything and maybe more than you wish
(undocumented in Flash but documented in the Tamarin project

by default
import flash.trace.Trace
Trace.setLevel( Trace.METHODS_AND_LINES_WITH_ARGS, Trace.OFF );

with your own function listener
public function traceListener( line:String, index:int, method:Sring,
args:String ):void
    trace( "@"+index + " - " + line );
    trace( method+"("+args+")" );


import flash.trace.Trace
Trace.setListener( traceListener );

enjoy :)


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