I gave up on this temporarily and decided to revisit this morning. Around
the time the AIR 1.1 update came out, I started having issues quitting the
AIR app I'm developing using Apple-Q, the ApplicaitonMenu, and the DockMenu.
It seems to be related to the fact that I have other windows opened by my
application, the only way I can currently quit the entire application is by
closing my "Main" window, which my windowedApplication listens to and then
closes. I've even tried adding a listener to the "Quit" item in the
ApplicationMenu, but my handler is never catching the event when I choose
that item. Other AIR apps I have installed are still working correctly, so
I'm looking for the culprit here.

My application extends WindowedApplication, it is chromeless, transparent,
and invisible. It spawns a MainWindow on startup, but other windows for
notifications, etc, are also spawned from the application. I listen for the
CLOSING event on the MainWindow and then close the application, which works
fine. Mac users are just used to Apple-Q to quit and this is doing nothing

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