I think I'm not understanding something...

My app has a bunch of .mxml classes that extend TitleWindow
(singletons in a UI). I want them all to be styled the same EXCEPT for
I want each one to have a custom background color. Here's how I'm
attempting this...

---------begin external css file---------------

   borderAlpha: 0.9;
   borderThicknessLeft: 4;
   borderThicknessTop: 0;
   borderThicknessBottom: 16;
   borderThicknessRight: 4;
   roundedBottomCorners: false;
   headerHeight: 20;
   backgroundAlpha: 0.33;
   highlightAlphas: 0.29, 0.02;
   headerColors: #ffffff, #cccccc;
   footerColors: #e7e7e7, #c7c7c7;
   dropShadowEnabled: true;
   backgroundColor: #ffffff;

   backgroundColor: #ff0000;

   backgroundColor: #00ff00;

---------end external css file---------------

So... this doesn't work. What is happening is that everything that
extends TitleWindow looks the same and the custom backgroundColors are
not taking.

The css is linked via the top level application. 

Can someone set me straight?


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