I have a TitleWindow that uses a BorderSkin (based on HaloBorder) to
draw a custom background in the window's content area. The skin works
fine until I try applying a "Move" effect to the TitleWindow.

What happens is that when the move begins from offscreen top, the
TitleWindow's content background is filled with the background color
and the background generated by the BorderSkin is not displayed. Once
the move has completed (the background color still fills the content
area) if I display another TitleWindow that uses the same skin, the
custom background is suddenly displayed in the TitleWindow that was
moved (probably due to an invalidateDisplayList call).

I tried changing the "Move" effect to a "Zoom" effect and the problem
does not occur (the custom background is correctly displayed in the
TitleWindow content area).

I've put trace statements in the BorderSkin code and the custom
content area background is being generated and drawn, so the only
thing I can think of is that something is filling the content area of
the TitleWindow with the background color AFTER the BorderSkin code

Anyone have any ideas about what might be happening and how to make it
stop overwriting the content area background? Thanks!

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