
I'm new to Flex and new to this group.  Nice to meet everyone.  I have  
a pretty simple problem.  I just want to refer to a nested bit of XML  
in an atom feed.

Go grab an ATOM feed:

<mx:DataGrid width="730" height="212" id="dgPosts" x="0" y="0"  
color="#000000" dataProvider="{feedRequest.lastResult.feed.entry}">

Here's some simplified XML:

        <title>Here is a title</title>
        <source attribute="blah">

Now start placing things.  This works as it should:

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Title" dataField="title"/>

But now I want to go one level deeper to grab the source url.  I've  
tried a variety of things, but none work.  When I just point to  
source, it returns an object:

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Source" dataField="source" width="150"/>

I've tried a bunch of different approaches like this:

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Source" dataField="source.url"  
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Source" dataField="source..url"  
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Source" dataField="source['url']"  
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Source" dataField="source[0]"  

But none work.  I'm sure this is simple and I'm just not finding the  
right documentation.  Does anyone have a suggestion?


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