I have an address i'm trying to load the yahoo maps with a particular
address loaded initially. when I trigger it from a button click it
works fine but if I try to trigger it from a completion Complete I get
debugging errors and cant figure this one out... How can I modify this
to get the getMap() function to load initially.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Panel xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute"
title="Yahoo! Maps" creationComplete="initApp()" styleName="TEXTa">
                        import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
                        private var _locLis:LocalConnection;
                        private var _locSend:LocalConnection;
                        // On map initialize
                        private function initApp():void {
                                yahooMap.source = "yahoo/YahooMap.swf";
                        // Initialize local connection
                        private function initCom():void {
                                // Setup local connection to listen for Flash 8 
                                _locLis = new LocalConnection();
                                // Connect to local connection, after functions 
have been defined
                                _locLis.client = this;
                                // Setup local connection to talk to Flash 8
                                _locSend = new LocalConnection();
                        // Send data to Flash 8
                        public function sendData(strMethod:String, ... 
args):void {
                                _locSend.send("swf8Lis", strMethod, args);
                        // Called to get map based on address
                        private function getMap():void {
                                var arrAddress:String = new String("2070 
Business Center Drive,
Irvine, CA 92612");
arrAddress + ":~:6:~:0");

                <mx:SWFLoader id="yahooMap" showBusyCursor="true" width="640"
                <mx:Button click="getMap()"/>

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