Hi all,

I've got an application which is being loaded as a SWF into another
app. Everything looks and works fine on Mac, but not on Windows.

The loaded app consists of Application --> VBox --> List. The list
allows drag and drop to change the order of its elements. Everything
works fine, except that in windows browsers -- Internet Explorer  or
Firefox (both using Flash 10) the last item in the list is truncated
horizontally -- you can't quite see the bottom of it -- even though
scroll bars are turned on for the app. Once you drag and drop that
last item up to another position, however, the list looks fine,
including the bottom-most element.

Has anyone seen this? Anyone know what to do?

Relevant code:

<mx:List id="myList" dataProvider="{_dp}" dragEnabled="true"
dropEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true" rendererIsEditor="true">
                        <mx:HBox verticalScrollPolicy="off" 
                <mx:Label textAlign="right" styleName="myStyle"/>

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