I've developed a small flex module which I used inside flex project.
Now I want to allow different applications to use that module, so I
thought the best way to allow them using it is to distibute the module
in  a flex library project.

However, when I put the library project in the source path of new flex
project and mark it as a module, I get compile errors telling me that
the *new project* (not the lib project) can't find the module
resources (locales).

I think the lib project should be the one responsible of having these
locale resources, not the flex project that uses it.

in the flex lib project I put this in the additional compiler arguments:
-locale=en_US -allow-source-path-overlap=true -incremental=true
and added the locales to the source path:
(just like I've done in a regular flex project)

Any ideas of what I'm wrong ?
(When running the module in a regular flex project, I get it to
compile fine with the locales)

Thanks in advance,

Almog Kurtser.

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