actually hoping someone from the adg team can tell me what on a certain line
would be giving an error.

I use sdk 3.0

so i have an adg which renderers another adg. detail is not really that
important. i have a mock data set in 2 different projects (1 being the main
app i am working on and the other being an adg sample to try and replicate
my error).

the sample app uses the same IFactory, ADGRenderer, columns, hierachial data
descriptor (and of course the mock data set).

 the error i get is
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "null" to

I am specifically interested in what is on that one line, since my sample
app works perfectly and my main app does not. I realise that this means its
somehting in my own code (the difference between the two apps is complexity
of the application structure.)

my sample app consists of

  - presmodel
  - my adg component

where my presentation model exposes via bindings my columns, data provider
and renderer

in contrast to this my main app is

   -my adg component.

i think this means that some binding is not firing all the way through my
chains, but which one (i cannot figure this since i cannot debug the adg :(

anyway, whats on that line, and what variable is null.

(as a side note, i have overridden this function (and several in that chain
to inspect them and I do not see arguments being passed as null, so I assume
its some type of class variable or a property on one of the objects which is

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