DrinkWine.mxml is my app , ---------DrinkWineStartupCommand.as ;                
             StoreMmodule is a module in this project;
Content.mxml is DrinkWine`s subComponent and reflect "ContentMediaor",
PopupStore is my custom popup window reflect "StoreMediator",and the PopupStore 
include a canvas names "moduleContainer",
i load the StoreMmodule  in ContentMediator then send a notification contains 
this moduleLoader to StoreMediator;
The StoreMediator can receive the moduleloader as "note.getBody() as 
FlexModuleLoader" now;
and i register the DrinkWineMediator and StoreMediator in 
DrinkWineStartupCommand together at first,
now i got a error " Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null 
object reference  "
does this error means i cannot register two mediator as the same time in 
DrinkWineStartupCommand ?

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