I have an Image on an ApplicationControlBar and I am trying to make it
such that when the image is clicked, the current browser window/tab is
redirected to a URL. It works when the swf file is opened locally, but
not if its a remote swf file. I am guessing this is some security
issue, and am wondering if anyone has found a way around this.

This works
Opening the swf file locally, and clicking the image loads the new URL
as specified in the imageClick function below. 

This does not work
Opening the swf file remotely using an html page with object/embed
code and clicking the image *does not* load the URL.

import flash.net.navigateToURL;

public var myURL:String;

private function imageClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
        myURL = "http://www.yahoo.com/";;
        navigateToURL(new URLRequest(myURL), "_self");     


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