How or when can you retreive the height of a display object when you 
add it to your vbox or hbox.

I have code that looks like this:

var myObject:myControl = new myControl();

// call the public load method with xml to set some text
// on myControl and other display values.


trace(myControl.height); // returns 0

if I add an updateComplete event listener to myControl, i normally 
get 4 calls to the handler since there are several phases in the 
layout.  Which one is the last one?  In theory the "next" one is the 
last one, i realize that.  

if i listen to the creationComplete event, it's only called 
once but it's dispached before it finished it's truly done sizing 

even doing a callLater to get myControl's height doesn't work, too 

SO.... at what point can i be sure that i can retreive the 
myControl.height property and know it's the final height?

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