In thinking about the problem people are having with, say, taking a 
camera snapshot and uploading it to a server (without remoting or fms), 
there are two solutions I thought of that would be really helpful, 
although perhaps not trivial to implement. 

I was wondering if anyone has tried the following:

1. extend FileReference so that you can create a pseudo-file that can be 
uploaded using the existing upload mechanism.

         var file:FileReference = new FileReference(mybytearray);

2. extend URLRequest to do something similar. In this scenario, the 
right way would probably be to create a Multipart class similar to 
URLVariables, but that accepts binary data. Then, extend URLRequest so 
that if  data object is set to a Multipart, it knows to create and send 
the request as a multipart form.
This is similar to how URLRequest is already smart enough to deal with 
ByteArrays versus URLVariables in the data object.

What do people think of either of these solutions? Has anyone done it?

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