If you know that "var data:Object = event.itemRenderer.data;" contains a
string, why not just use toString() to put the string value in a string



And I am not quite following you otherwise.  What are you truing to do
with describeType()?  That is usually used with non-dynamic objects, but
you have a simple 2d indexed array, correct?  You said, "array of rows
and array of cells".  Do you mean "array" or do you mean you have nested
dynamic objects?


If you have nested dynamic ovjects, you can examine them with a for-each
or for-in loop.


Note, describeType is "costly".  That means slow, so be sure you need
it.  It seems like a dangerous thing to do in a lableFunction.


Tracy Spratt 
Lariat Services 

Flex development bandwidth available 


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of tntomek
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 6:07 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Bug in ADG?, possible to bind labelFunction to
editor with no dataField?



Does anyone have any idea how to edit data that does not come from
fixed object properties i.e. myObject.Name but myObject.Attributes[2]
which might be name?

I have a 2D array, array of rows and array of cells for each row, both
are arbitrary. I have this successfully displayed my data in
AdvancedDataGrid via labelFunction.

public function getContentLabel(item:GridRow,
column:CustomLabelColumn) : String
if(item != null)
return item.Cells.getGridLabelCellAt(column.columnIndex).Label;
return null;

How do I edit the data in these columns?
I looked at
and tried messing around with itemEditBegin and itemEditEnd. I have
itemEditBegin working successfully where I am able to display my label
in a text box. The itemEditEnd for ADG seems to crash because I'm
using typed objects instead of plan strings or XML.

In fact I'm convinced there is a bug in the itemEnd base handler. I
tried calling preventDefault from the grids itemEnd function but no
luck, I am forced to overwrite the event.reason so that the base class
doesnt destroy my itemEditor.

My issue is here:

In AdvancedDataGridBaseEx.as 

private function

var newData:Object =
var property:String = _columns[event.columnIndex].dataField;
var data:Object = event.itemRenderer.data;
var typeInfo:String = "";

//WHY is this only XML??? my "data" variable has plan String text and
yet I never make it into the typeInfo == String part since typeInfo is
"" because the XML loop never executes on an object;

for each(var variable:XML in describeType(data).variable)
if (property == variab...@name.tostring
<mailto:variable.%40name.toString> ())
typeInfo = variab...@type.tostring <mailto:variable.%40type.toString>
if (typeInfo == "String")
//NEVER make it here
if (!(newData is String))
newData = newData.toString();
//CRASH HERE since property is null.
// data = "Some Text";
if (data[property] != newData)
bChanged = true;
data[property] = newData;


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