I have no idea if this actually would work, but something like this?

private var origUrl:String

private function saveFile():void
var f:File = new File();
origUrl = f.url;

private function onfileselected(event:Event)
var f:File = event.target as File;
// compare f.url with origUrl to get some sort of relative path in order to 
escape the path delimiters and save it as a file.


Sorry, I'm just off to bed or I'd run it up, but would be interested to know if 
it does work at all. Thanks!

putting a / in a filename, no matter how it's rendered by the OS seems pretty 
stupid to me, however.

-----Original Message-----
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com on behalf of seanmcmonahan
Sent: Tue 1/19/2010 7:04 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Escaping slashes in a file name in AIR
So this is a problem that's not really a problem yet it is.  I think it's best 
explained with an example:

A user wants to save a file so we open the save dialog box via 
File.browseForSave().  User then selects a folder "my folder" and types in a 
name like "my/file/with/slashes.txt" and hits the save button.

What happens is AIR interprets this as save a file "slashes.txt" in the folder 
"my folder/my/file/with".  To me this seems perfectly reasonable and correct.  
In fact, I would say this IS the correct behavior.  However my users feel that 
what should happen is that a file with the name "my/file/with/slashes.txt" 
should be saved out in "my folder".

I haven't tested on Windows but on Mac OS using Safari and Chrome the user's 
expected behavior is what happens.  In Firefox the slashes are converted to 
underscores.  This leads me to believe that these browsers are all getting the 
name back and escaping the slashes.

In AIR I'm not seeing anyway to get the filename and escape it as the select 
that is fired when the user clicks "save" returns a File object with a name 
property set to "slashes.txt" -- that is, whatever is after the last slash.

Does anyone know how to capture the filename and escape slashes or is that just 
not going to happen?

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