Some way you have to create a dependency on VBox to actually get it
linked into the SWF, otherwise it isn't there to be found.  One way is
to use the shared RSL, but otherwise, you have to actually use the class
somewhere.  In import statement doesn't actually create a link
dependency, it simply says what the fully qualified name is when you
just use VBox.



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of djhatrick
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 1:17 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex woes, wo-iz-o, i hate it (sometimes)


I am having one of those days where i want to throw this computer off
the 30th floor of midtown Manhattan onto a taxi-cab's hood, and leave
for the day never come back.

This is the problem, I can't get, "getDefinitionByName" to work right,
what a load of horse pucky... Sorry for being so salty, but if you are
a developer and you have tried to use this function, it must have
given you the same type of error, if it hasn't it will...

I've tried classes with variables and public classes and the whole
nine-yards, it always gives me this stupid error. 

Any suggestions, that don't require me to lose life or limb?


import mx.containers.VBox;
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
private function init():void
var ClassReference:Class =
getDefinitionByName("mx.containers.VBox") as Class; // throws error

//var ClassReference:Class =
getDefinitionByName("flash.display.Sprite") as Class; // works
var instance:Object = new ClassReference();

// addChild(DisplayObject(instance));

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable VBox is not defined.
at global/flash.utils::getDefinitionByName()
at TotalBullshitIHavetodoThisTest/init()


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