What version of LC DS are you using and what type of channel (i.e. is it an 
RTMP or RTMPS channel or one of the app server's http based channels)?

Another thought is to get a stack dump from your JVM when this happens to be 
sure there is not a deadlock or something like that.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 1:47 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] LCDS data serialization frozen

Hi all,
i have a strange behaviour of the serialization, it seems to be
frozen. This is a problem that occurs randomly. Sometimes, when i
start my application i didn't recieved the data from the server to the
client. When i had a look to the server.log file i saw that the
serialization ran, i mean there is the log MYDESTINATION.fill ([ all
my objects ...]) and then nothing more. What i try to explain is that
normally i saw in this log these objects (as mentionned previously)
and just after there is lines like "caching
Item:MYDESTINATION{ID=123456}(1234567)" and these lines do not exist.
This is why i think that the serialization is frozen (probably not the
good word but it expresses the behaviour).
Any ideas ?
Many thanks per advance

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