Hi Guille. See my previous post. You're going to write some actionscript
to pre-process your dataprovider into individual XMLLists, one for each


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of g_vaccarezza
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 12:34 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Newbie: Dataprovider sintax for column series with
xml dataprovider


I'm a a total dumba$$ trying to fill my column chart with my xml
dataprovider; I have so many doubts but let's concentrate in my current

I have a column with several series. I should like like this:


And my dataprovider looks like:


- <>
<month  label="January" vol="12">
  <payorname label="p1" vol="9" /> 
  <payorname label="p2" vol="3" /> 
- <>
<month hidden_name="20052" label="February" vol="13">
  <payorname label="p1" vol="13" /> 
- <>
<month hidden_name="20053" label="March" vol="13">
  <payorname label="p1" vol="10" /> 
  <payorname label="p2" vol="3" /> 


So far, so good. I want to see those payornames displayed in series by

Now the question: I know that I need to add series for each one of the
payornames I want to dispay, but I'm having trouble writing my
dataprovider declaration. It's more a sintax problem than a theory
problem, and it's driving me mad.

How shoud I declare the dataprovider for my column chart and each one of
the series? I still don't get how to properly "link" the xml structure
to work as a data provider so that I can pull the chart as shown.
Should it be something like dataprovider="myData.lastResult.data.month"
or dataprovider="myData.lastResult.data.month.payorname"... (none of
thos 2 is working correctly anyway).

Thanks for your help!


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