Yes, using a separate destination and DataService instance for each object would give you individual control over objects managed by those destinations.   Because of how we implemented the client side library, if you create more than one DataService for the same destination in the same client they actually all end up mapping to the same collection of objects.


There is one additional caveat which is that the “commit queue” and “merge queue” are really managed by a lower level object called the DataStore which is accessed via a property in the DataService.  By default each DataService has its own DataStore so you should be fine but if you use managed associations (i.e. your destination has a one-to-one, one-to-many, etc. tag defining a relationship between two objects), they will share the same DataStore by default.  This is so that we can keep changes in order when there are dependencies between the changes.  For example if you create a new item, then change a property of another item to refer to that newly created item, the server side really wants to process that create first before it processes the update to refer to the created item so we need one queue which stores both changes when you have relationships.  


Yes, you can revert the changes for items independently.  Just call “dataService.revertChanges(item)”.  We find all messages that affect that item and undo those changes and then remove those messages from the queue.




From: [] On Behalf Of thunderstumpgesatwork
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:09 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: FDS Data Management quesion


Thanks for the explanation, I think I have a better understanding now.
So, I think what I got from that is that if I want to have control
over each object that I commit, I have to use a separate DataService
for each one?

Thanks for logging the enhancement request, as selecting which managed
object to commit would be the ideal way to handle this.

You mentioned that I cannot release a single item from a managed
collection, but is it possible to revert a single item in a managed


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Jeff Vroom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First off, a bit about how FDMS works behind the scenes. As you change
> a property of an object, a PropertyChangedEvent is fired which tells
> FDMS of the change. A message is logged for the item indicating that
> the property is changed. If you change a second property on the object,
> we merge that property change event into to the first message. If
> autoCommit is false, when you call "commit", all pending changes are
> sent. So if you are not changing an item, nothing is sent but if you
> have changed items A and B and the changes were logged for these items,
> there is no way to just commit the changes for item B. You can
> individually revert changes made to items however but that will roll the
> state of the item back to its state before the change.
> Now it is possible to release an item so that FDMS is no longer managing
> its state. At this point, FDMS will not be tracking changes to that
> item so you could call getItem on A and getItem on B, then releaseItem
> on A. Now only changes to B will be tracked. If you call fill and get
> a collection of objects, there is no way to release just a single item
> in the collection however.
> Your use case is an interesting one and it would not be hard for us to
> add a method which just commits the changes to a specify item so I'll
> add an enhancement for that.
> As for your final question, merge is used when you have set
> autoMerge=false and it will merge changes received by the server into
> the current managed set of items. As changes are received by a client
> for some set of managed items, by default they are automatically
> "merged" into the current versions of the items, but when you turn
> autoMerge=false, they are queued up instead (the mergeRequired property
> is set in this case). At that point, you call "merge" to apply those
> changes.
> Jeff
> ________________________________
> Behalf Of thunderstumpgesatwork
> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:58 AM
> Subject: [flexcoders] FDS Data Management quesion
> I have a question (or two) about saving/persisting/updating changes
> that have been made. I'm trying to maintain some granular level of
> control of which managed objects are saved and which are rolled back.
> First scenario:
> Assume we used dataservice.fill() to load a collection. Is it possible
> to save only one item in the collection? How would this be done? The
> only method I saw for updating (dataservice.commit()) says it updates
> all collections managed by this data service.
> Second scenario:
> Assume we decided to query each item individually using
> dataservice.getItem(), is it possible to save one item at a time? or
> to decide which item to save and which to roll back? Again, the
> commit() function seems to imply that all changes to all items are
> committed.
> And lastly, what is the difference between merge() and commit()?
> thanks in advance.
> Thunder


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