Hi Borek. Thanks for your thoughts.  They are very much appreciated.
And for what it's worth, on a purely technical level, I agree with you,
Microsoft has done a very nice job in the architecture of their


Let me respond to a few comments.


1)      Actually, no, I think you were right when you said 'WPF.'  For
both .NET/3 and Flex, the serialization languages (XAML, MXML) are very
thin syntaxes on top of complex frameworks. In both cases, most of the
functionality you're looking at is framework functionality, not language
functionality.  It's similar in my mind to how many people conflate the
language javascript with the library of DOM and other apis provided by
the browser (i.e., many desktop tools use javascript as a scripting
language, which helps developers learn to script them, but learning a
language is not the hard part...it's how to use the functionality in the
APIs that's difficult).

2)      To that point, you're right that performance isn't really an
issue when you're discussing a serialization format.  MXML is already
very capable today of doing the kind of composition we're discussing
here (case in point:  Doug was able to write a component that uses the
composition feature of MXML).  It's the performance cost of a framework
that supports that level of abstraction and flexibility that we're
concerned with.

3)      It's worth pointing out that some of your arguments below focus
specifically on the components available out of the box with the
frameworks (i.e., the button scenario). For example, for a new 3rd party
component, you have to distribute and maintain a separate component in
WPF just as you with Flex. So in many respects (not all, I know), the
comparison boils down to what's available out of the box vs. what the
platform enables the community to build and provide.  I'm not trying to
trivialize that difference...yes, having it available out of the box is
a big plus. 

4)      Re: complexity: my comment is based on my previous usage of WPF.
In my experience, while very basic usage of both technologies is
comparable in terms of markup complexity, more complex features tend to
balloon your markup in XAML.  I also believe that both flex and WPF have
a 'cliff' you walk off when you cross over a certain level of
complexity.  From my experience, it takes longer to get to that cliff in
WPF (i.e., you can do more out of the box in just markup), but once you
get there, it's a much bigger cliff.  Put more simply, my experience was
that writing a good custom component is much harder in WPF.  But I'm
sure my focus when working with WPF has been different from yours, and I
think this is as much a matter of opinion and personal experience as
anything else, so I can't argue too strongly that I'm right and you're
wrong J

5)      Rest assured, we want to see MXML and flex improve further as
well, and power and flexibility is one key area where we want to
continue to evolve.  But we need to continue to adopt a pay as you go
model...the power and flexibility needs to be there, but not at the
expense of developers and use cases that have no need for them.   We
will continue to balance flexibility and power against performance,
ubiquity, simplicity, familiarity  and other concerns.  All so that flex
applications continue to be something that the broad populations of
developers can create, and the broad population of end users can use.







From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of borekbe
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 4:19 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Really complex buttons (aka what WPF got


Hi Ely

It's great to hear directly from a Flex developer! I would like to
take a chance and share my views while you listen :) I must stress
again that I'm fairly new to Flex but maybe that can be a good thing
now - I can see all the problems very clearly because I often don't
have enough experience to find adequate solutions. Here are few
assorted comments that expand on our discussion.

1) I used WPF in the title where I should have used XAML instead, my
apologies. But I hope it was obvious what I meant from the code sample.

2) I really don't know why is this but both you and Aral Balkan (in a
blog post I saw the other day) seem to suggest that MXML is more
"Notepad-friendly" than XAML. In my personal experience, from the
application developer point of view, these formats are in almost 1:1
relationship when you leave aside the fact that you can express vector
graphics and many other things, like 3D or text documents, in XAML. If
all you need are layout containers, form controls, buttons, assets and
other common things, you'll end up with almost the same XML markup
whichever technology you use. With one exception - XAML allows for
much better composability as was pointed in the Button example before.

3) I'm glad you brought up the concepts of "power" and "simplicity"
which is very important in many aspects of software development. What
Microsoft achieved with XAML is something like a miracle in my eyes -
they achieved *both*. Please compare the Button example that I posted
before with (the truly excellent) CanvasButton component
Doug brilliantly created in a few moments.

To quickly compare both versions:
* XAML-like and MXML snippets are now almost the same. I still prefer
XAML version better because it uses the standard "Button" while MXML
uses "CanvasButton". You can say right now what Button does but you
will need to slightly investigate CanvasButton if you wish to use it.
This is added complexity.

* In XAML, there is no code required.

* In Flex, you need to distribute and maintain separate component. In
XAML, you don't.

All three points mean that in Flex, you have less power and need more

4) I can't comment on performance since I don't really understand the
internals of Flex compilers etc. But I can hardly imagine how the
serialization format, or whether you use direct XML notation or a
custom container that then holds some child components, can influence
the performance any significantly. But you used this argument twice so
there may be some issues.

5) The more I think about Adobe's and Microsoft's serialization
formats, the more I believe that Flex is much closer to
ASP.NET/WebForms declarative language than to XAML. With WebForms
markup, you have similar concepts of user and custom controls (first
for simple scenarios and defined in markup, second for arbitrarily
complicated components but defined in code), you have similar
limitation etc. XAML is really a next gen programming language and I
don't feel that MXML is there yet.

In conclusion...

I don't want this to be a useless rant. I very much like Flex as a
platform - ActionScript is a really nice language and the framework
seems to do what it's intended for. I even like MXML much better that
var b:Button = new Button() :) But I want to see it improving even
further. To be honest, I thought that the development on the Flex
platform will be quicker - it was all fine until I needed to have
slightly more complicated tab in the TabNavigator. In WPF, I would
simply carry on composing the UI while in Flex, I've lost much time
investigating how to work around the technical limitations of
mx:Button. There can be some technical problems like performace (as
mentioned above) but I also understand that it may be simply too
difficult to implement something like XAML - there, the components are
practically "look-less" and this is definitely something that can be
hard to change.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my first impressions. Hope it will be
of any value to you.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com>
, "Ely Greenfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Borek. I can give you the short answer, which is that composition
> an important goal of the flex framework. But we have two design goals
> which WPF doesn't have - specifically
> - keeping the framework something that will perform well on the
> 98% of the machines on the internet that currently have flash deployed
> (WPF has much heavier client requirements).
> - keeping MXML something that a developer and/or designer can
> look at, easily read and comprehend, and code by hand as appropriate
> (most XAML files that I see tend to be fairly hard to read to the
> typical developer).
> Both of these have forced us to walk a delicate line between power and
> simplicity in our component framework, and composability is one of
> areas where we have been forced to make hard tradeoffs (and continue
> debate them on a daily basis).
> Having said that, the move to Flash Player 9, AS3, and the new AVM+
> given us additional power (usable on the broad majority of the
> internet...over 85% penetration at this point, I believe) that we've
> only just begun to take advantage of in the framework. Expect to see
> weaving composition deeper and deeper into the framework as it
> I should also mention that there's technically nothing stopping you
> making composable controls like flexible buttons today. Personally, I
> believe it's worth every flex developers time to learn a little bit of
> component development; while there may be an initial up front learning
> investment, Once you have the knowledge, banging out a couple of
> built or reusable components doesn't take a lot of work. But building
> that kind of flexibility into every push button in every flex
> application, without paying a non-trivial cost in performance and
> complexity, is something that takes time and consideration.
> Ely.
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com>
[mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com>
] On
> Behalf Of borekbe
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 9:31 AM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com> 
> Subject: [flexcoders] Really complex buttons (aka what WPF got right)
> Hi, I'm still learning Flex and during the last few hours, I've been
> struggling with some button-related problems.
> I am trying to create a button which contains not only label and icon
> but any arbitrary contents. If Flex was WPF, you could do something
> <mx:Button>
> <mx:VBox>
> <mx:Label ... />
> <mx:Image ... />
> <custom:Component ... />
> </mx:VBox>
> </mx:Button>
> This approach really saves a lot of time and hassle but unfortunately
> is not implemented in Flex (this would be great for future versions).
> What I did in Flex was that I created a custom component based on
> Canvas (say MyButton) and designed it however I wanted. I've set the
> buttonMode property to true so I now have the nice hand cursor. Click
> event is automatically there...
> So far so good. But the ultimate goal is to have something like
> TabNavigator, except that the tabs are pretty complicated MyButtons.
> No again, because the TabBar is based on buttons, you can only set
> label and icon. I don't think I can help myself creating a new class
> based on TabBar because the Button limitation would be still there.
> As far as I can see it, to have a custom button is fairly common
> scenario and I can't believe that Flex makes it so hard for me as a
> developer. There must be some way that I have simply missed.
> Could anyone more experienced please advise me, or generally comment
> on Flex composability of more advanced controls?
> Thanks,
> Borek




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