Title: Mercury Email Signature
Hi Shlomi --
The way to do this in Flex 1.5 is to write a custom renderer.  you'd want to do something like the following:
class myCustomFill implements mx.charts.renderers.interfaces.BoxRenderer
   public var selectedIndex:Number;
   public var counter:Number = 0;
pubilc function beignDraw() {
       counter = 0;
  public function draw(...) {
        if(counter == selectedIndex) {
            //draw selected
       }  else {
            //draw normal
public function setSelectedIndex(v:Number) {
    MyCustomFill(myChart.series[0].renderer).selectedIndex = v;
Noet that this is something we're planning on making easier in a future release of flex.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Shlomi Cohen
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2005 1:47 AM
To: 'flexcoders@yahoogroups.com'
Subject: [flexcoders] Some questions about Bar Chart in Flex
Importance: High

first of all i think that this Chart explorer by Macromedia is wonderful quick start for making charts, specially how to handle styles in series.
i was wondering how is it possible to highlight a specific line/bar on the chart.
for example i want to create a drill down view where you select a line from a line/bar chart located at the top of the view and then you see a table
in the lower part of the view , describing more about the selected line series.
i though implementing a renderer for a series but , first i don't know how to tie with the click event.
second this interface it too generic only beginDraw - draw and endDraw methods.
did anyone has any idea ?

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