I would've expected a rollout the moment you stick the overlay under the mouse.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 11:23 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Why Isn't MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER/OUT Firing Consistantly? I 
Just Want to Toggle!

I working on a VideoScreen component, which at this point just extends 
UIComponent and contains a Video object as its first child. After the Video is 
added to the stage, I create an overlay using a Sprite object. The overlay 
isn't added to the stage until the user does a MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER the 
VideoScreen component. The overlay is removed from the stage on 

The problem here is that sometimes the MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER doesn't fire, which 
throws the toggle off (ROLL_OUT will add the overlay to the stage instead of 
removing it). Can you help me figure this out?

Here is some of my debugging output; in this case the error happens just after 
COUNT 2 where two 'ROLL_OUT' events are fired without a 'ROLL_OVER' between 

VideoScreen mouseRollOverOutListener COUNT: 1 (Odd numbers should always be 
MouseEvent type='rollOver') [MouseEvent type="rollOver" bubbles=false 
cancelable=false eventPhase=2 localX=16 localY=62 stageX=16 stageY=62 
relatedObject=null ctrlKey=false altKey=false shiftKey=false delta=0] Showing 
overlay (expecting FALSE)... _isShowingOverlay current value: false Overlay 
should now be TRUE _isShowingOverlay: true VideoScreen mouseRollOverOutListener 
COUNT: 2 (Odd numbers should always be MouseEvent type='rollOver') [MouseEvent 
type="rollOut" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 localX=-1 localY=-1 
stageX=-1 stageY=-1 relatedObject=null ctrlKey=false altKey=false 
shiftKey=false delta=0] Hiding overlay (expecting TRUE)... _isShowingOverlay 
current value: true Overlay should now be FALSE _isShowingOverlay: false 
VideoScreen mouseRollOverOutListener COUNT: 3 (Odd numbers should always be 
MouseEvent type='rollOver') [MouseEvent type="rollOut" bubbles=false 
cancelable=false eventPhase=2 localX=-1 localY=-1 stageX=-1 stageY=-1 
relatedObject=null ctrlKey=false altKey=false shiftKey=false delta=0] Showing 
overlay (expecting FALSE)... _isShowingOverlay current value: false Overlay 
should now be TRUE _isShowingOverlay: true VideoScreen mouseRollOverOutListener 
COUNT: 4 (Odd numbers should always be MouseEvent type='rollOver') [MouseEvent 
type="rollOver" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 localX=2 localY=69 
stageX=2 stageY=69 relatedObject=null ctrlKey=false altKey=false shiftKey=false 
delta=0] Hiding overlay (expecting TRUE)... _isShowingOverlay current value: 
true Overlay should now be FALSE _isShowingOverlay: false VideoScreen 
mouseRollOverOutListener COUNT: 5 (Odd numbers should always be MouseEvent 
type='rollOver') [MouseEvent type="rollOut" bubbles=false cancelable=false 
eventPhase=2 localX=-1 localY=-1 stageX=-1 stageY=-1 relatedObject=null 
ctrlKey=false altKey=false shiftKey=false delta=0] Showing overlay (expecting 
FALSE)... _isShowingOverlay current value: false Overlay should now be TRUE 
_isShowingOverlay: true VideoScreen mouseRollOverOutListener COUNT: 6 (Odd 
numbers should always be MouseEvent type='rollOver') [MouseEvent 
type="rollOver" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 localX=8 localY=78 
stageX=8 stageY=78 relatedObject=null ctrlKey=false altKey=false shiftKey=false 
delta=0] Hiding overlay (expecting TRUE)... _isShowingOverlay current value: 
true Overlay should now be FALSE _isShowingOverlay: false


Here is the VideoScreen; just place it in a project sub-folder called 
'controls' and use it as MXML:

<controls:VideoScreen id="videoScreen" width="300" height="225" 
fixDistortion="true" />

package com.futurewebstudios.controls { import flash.display.Sprite; import 
flash.events.Event; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.media.Video; 
import flash.net.NetStream; import mx.core.UIComponent; import 
mx.events.FlexEvent; public class VideoScreen extends UIComponent { 
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 
Private properties 
private const DEFAULT_WIDTH:Number = 320; private const DEFAULT_HEIGHT:Number = 
240; private var _video:Video; private var _videoIsDistorted:Boolean; private 
var _overlay:Sprite; private var _isShowingOverlay:Boolean; private var 
_overlayShowCount:uint = 1; private var _stream:NetStream; private var 
_streamIsChanged:Boolean; //changes to true once set, to false after used 
private var _maintainAspectRatio:Boolean; //needs no boolean state value; 
handled on property change 
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 
Public properties 
[Bindable( event="videoIsDistortedChanged" )] [Inspectable( 
defaultValue="false" )] public function set fixDistortion( value:Boolean ):void 
{ if ( _videoIsDistorted != value ) { _videoIsDistorted = value; } } public 
function get fixDistortion():Boolean { return _videoIsDistorted; } [Bindable( 
event="streamChanged" )] [Inspectable( category="General", defaultValue="null" 
)] public function set stream( value:NetStream ):void { if ( _stream != value ) 
{ _stream = value; _streamIsChanged = true; dispatchEvent( new Event( 
"streamChanged" ) ); } } public function get stream():NetStream { return 
_stream; } [Bindable( "maintainAspectRatioChanged" )] [Inspectable( 
defaultValue="true" )] public function set maintainAspectRatio( value:Boolean 
):void { if ( _maintainAspectRatio != value ) { _maintainAspectRatio = value; 
invalidateSize(); invalidateDisplayList(); dispatchEvent( new Event( 
"maintainAspectRatioChanged" ) ); } } public function get 
maintainAspectRatio():Boolean { return _maintainAspectRatio; } public function 
get isShowingOverlay():Boolean { return _isShowingOverlay; } 
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 
public function VideoScreen() { this.addEventListener( FlexEvent.INITIALIZE, 
initializeListener ); this.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, 
mouseRollOverOutListener ); this.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, 
mouseRollOverOutListener ); _video = new Video( this.DEFAULT_WIDTH, 
this.DEFAULT_HEIGHT ); this.addChild( _video ); super(); } 
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 
Public methods 
public function attachNetStream( value:NetStream ):void { 
_video.attachNetStream( value ); } public function showOverlay():void { if ( 
_isShowingOverlay == false ) { trace( "Showing overlay (expecting 
FALSE)...\t_isShowingOverlay current value: " + _isShowingOverlay ); 
_isShowingOverlay = true; addChild( _overlay ); trace( "Overlay should now be 
TRUE\t\t\t_isShowingOverlay: " + _isShowingOverlay ); } } public function 
hideOverlay():void { if ( _isShowingOverlay == true ) { trace( "Hiding overlay 
(expecting TRUE)...\t\t_isShowingOverlay current value: " + _isShowingOverlay 
); _isShowingOverlay = false; removeChild( _overlay ); trace( "Overlay should 
now be FALSE\t\t\t_isShowingOverlay: " + _isShowingOverlay ); } } 
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 
Protected methods 
protected function setPublicValues():void { _video.width = this.width; 
_video.height = this.height; if ( _videoIsDistorted ) { _video.smoothing = 
true; } } protected function createOverlay():void { _overlay = new Sprite(); 
_overlay.graphics.beginFill( 0x000000, .5 ); _overlay.graphics.drawRect( 0, 0, 
this.width, this.height ); _overlay.graphics.endFill(); _isShowingOverlay = 
false; trace( "createOverlay() done. Initial value should be false. VALUE: " + 
_isShowingOverlay ); } 
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 
Private methods 
private function initializeListener( e:FlexEvent ):void { setPublicValues(); 
createOverlay(); } private function mouseRollOverOutListener( e:MouseEvent 
):void { trace( "\nVideoScreen mouseRollOverOutListener COUNT: " + ( 
_overlayShowCount++ ) + "\t\t(Odd numbers should always be MouseEvent 
type='rollOver')\n" + e.toString() ); ( _isShowingOverlay == false ) ? 
showOverlay() : hideOverlay(); } } }

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