Are you asking for an explanation of the for-loop? The comment above it 
explains what it does. The general form is

for (a; b; c)

and it is basically equivalent to the following while-loop:

while (b)

The 'a' part is typically an assignment statement to initialize a "loop 
variable" like an integer i that starts out at 0 and increments to 1, 2, 3, etc.

The 'b' part is typically a conditional expression evaluating to true or false, 
telling the loop whether to keep going or not. ("Have I reached the end of the 
collection yet?")

The 'c' part is typically an expression like i++ to increment the loop variable 
for the next pass.

Gordon Smith
Adobe Flex SDK Team

From: [] On Behalf 
Of Ballai Tibi
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 10:48 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] am a newbie , can somebody explains to me this simple For 
loop statement?

public function removeItem(item:StoreItem):void {

    var i:uint;  //declares a local variable i of type uint (unsigned int)

    /*initialize i with the value 0;
      until i is smaller than the collection's length, execute the code inside 
the for loop and increment i by one at the end of each step (i++)
    for (i=0; i < _collection.length; i++){

        //check if the item in the _collection array at position i is equal to 
the item that was passed as an argument
        if (_collection [i]==item){

            //remove 1 item from the _collection array starting at position i
            _collection.splice(i, 1);

            //since the item we were looking for was found, there's no need to 
continue searching




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