You can store user-specific data in the server-side FlexSession or FlexClient 
instances that you can access via the FlexContext class.
A FlexSession represents the connection between a client and server, and in the 
case of servlet-based HTTP, wraps the app server's HttpSession. One thing that 
can trip people up is that a cookie-based browser session is scoped to the 
browser process, meaning all tabs/frames/etc. share the same session. The 
FlexClient instance on the server represents a specific Flex application (a 
swf). Both provide APIs for storing and getting attributes and you can access 
them from within your assembler.
Login commands return a Principal as a result of successful authentication, and 
this is stored in either the FlexSession or FlexClient depending on how you 
want to scope your authentication. The default is to store it with the 
FlexSession, but this can be controlled using the <per-client-authentication/> 
config setting for your login command in services-config.xml.


From: on behalf of cartewn
Sent: Tue 7/1/2008 4:49 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] blazeds & spring security let assembler fetch data based 
on current user


I'm currently learning flex by trying to build an application with
flex, blazeds and Spring. My application lets users log on using
spring security (which I will probably combine with
AcegiLogonCommand). I would like my assemblers to return different
data based on which user is currently logged on (for instance to show
that specific user's to-do list). To do this, I added a userId
property to my spring security principals (by subclassing
and added user_id columns to user-specific data in the database. Now
I would like to know how I can get the currently logged on user in my
assembler so I can use its userId to fetch the user's data.

Is the assembler the right place to decide which data to send to my
flex application? If so, can anyone tell me how to determine which
user is currently logged on in my assembler? If not, what would be the
recommended way of dealing with user-specific data in my database in
combination with blazeds?

The only examples I have been able to find on the Internet so far only
use different roles to determine what a user is or is not allowed to
do, I have yet to find any examples where users store and retrieve
user-specific data.

Kind regards,




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