I just did the Flex3 Essentials on Lynda.com.

It was very fast paced and I had to re-watch a lot of the advanced movies for 
things to sink in, but overall it was good.

Also before you watch the Flex3 training you should get familiar with 
Actionscript.  There is a good tutorial on Lynda.com for that also: 
"ActionScript 3.0 in Flex Builder Essential Training"

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nikki 
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 3:51 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] flex/air/lcds tutorials

hi there,
i am pretty new to flex (am a cf coder) and i have been tasked to figure out 
how to create an air app that uses lcds to speak to a cf8 server.
i have done a bit of reading online and tried one or two tutorials to create a 
flex app that does this. but i haven't yet managed to get it working.
i was wondering if there are any decent (aimed at 
newbies) tutorials/documentation out there that explain the basics of getting, 
at the very least, a flex app to use lcds with cf8, at the very best, an air 
app to use lcds with cf8?
thanks a mil',

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