
Here's how I do it, relevant code contained for the list archives and those that also run into this problem. I changed the title of the response so that it can be flagged as a solution to the problem (is there a standard practice for solutions in this list?).

1. Create a separate Flex project for the Font Library. The end result of this project (an Actionscript-only project) is to create each font as an SWF file.

a. Create a Font class that all your fonts will extend. I do this so that additional properties may be added to the fonts themselves that you can use during your runtime application. Things like a "displayName" so that you can logically display the name of the font however you want in a ComboBox for examples.

        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.text.Font;

        public class MyFontBase extends Sprite
                public var registeredFontName:String;
                public var displayName:String;
                public function MyFontBase():void { }

b. Create the classes with the actual embedded font. Note that depending on what type of font you need, you will probably run into compiler issues. Some system fonts just fail to compile. After you've created all your AS files for the fonts, make sure to go to your Flex project properties and set all of these files as runnable applications. Each will get compiled to an SWF that you load in at runtime in your other project.

package {

        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.text.Font;
        import MyFontBase;
    public class ArialFontLib extends MyFontBase {

[Embed(source='/fonts/arial.ttf', fontName='ArialRegular', mimeType='application/x-font')]
        public static var ArialRegularFont:Class;

        /**     Register the font directly as soon as this class is initialized 
        public function ArialFontLib():void {
                registeredFontName = "ArialRegular";
                displayName = "Arial";

c. Notice that the font classes register themselves against the Flex Font class, instead of you doing it separately somewhere else down the pipeline.

2. In your new Flex Project that will load these library files, create a class that loads up these SWF files and broadcasts when each of them has completed loading. Might want to add in a broadcast that says when all of them are done loading as well. I can't share my code for this because my FontManager class is pretty in depth and does a bunch of other stuff. It's the standard loading of content though. Here's the final dispatch so you can see how it ties in with the function that applies the styles:

//      Dispatch event that the font loaded
dispatchEvent(new FontManagerEvent(FontManagerEvent.FONT_LOADED, false, false, Sprite( ) );

a. Create a function in your new Flex project that listens for the fonts that load and when each one completes. This function applies a new CSSStyleDeclaration to that loaded font and makes it available. Finally, make sure the StyleManager creates this new style declaration.

/**     Apply the stylesheet globally for this loaded font */
private function onFontLoaded(event:FontManagerEvent) : void {
var fontName:String = MyFontBase ( event.loadedFont ).registeredFontName;
        var style:CSSStyleDeclaration = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
        style.setStyle('fontSize', 12);
        style.setStyle('fontFamily', fontName);
        StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration("." + fontName, style, true);

b. Now the font is registered in the StyleManager as a new style declaration. You can use this on any of the Flex controls in your application. You can also use this in custom components that are created after you've loaded the fonts (like a custom UITextField display). Note that you may need to add:


within the constructor of your custom UIComponent so that the styles that were loaded at runtime are going to propagate to your custom component.

I did not include here the other implementation that I use with FlashType (fonts exported from the Flash IDE). The process is very similar but you need to take special care that the fontAntiAliasType style declaration is set properly or you'll get runtime errors.

There are also ways of managing the various weights of the font within a single class. You can look that up online and extrapolate those implementations to the process I've detailed above.

good luck,


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