Ahh, figured it out:


From: "Wally Kolcz" <wko...@isavepets.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 7:09 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Variable assignment help [1 Attachment] 

 [Attachment(s) from Wally Kolcz included below]

I am returning a web service as objects from Blue Dragon. I managed to figure 
out how to assign them to a datagrid, but some of my application requires 
assigning values to variables or text. Can anyone tell me how to get the value 
'wkolcz' so I can use it to assign it to a variable 'uniqname'?

I tried:  Application.application.uniqname = e.result.data.getItemAt(0).[0]; 
which, of course, didn't work.

The result looks something like e --> results --> data --> [0] --> [0] (which 
value is 'wkolcz')

I attached a screen shot of my debugging results.

Thanks to anyone who can help. 

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