Hello guys i have the following tables; biodata[biodata_id, f_name, l_name, 
o_name, team], collections[collections_id, ID_biodata, amountPaid, 
amountExpected, balance, quater, datePaid].

 There are 5 teams each with 4 members. i would like to generate a list in flex 
to show how much each member has paid and to display the data by showing only 5 
teams and members in each team under the team name.

 i have the following query but i get errors. could someone please help me.

 <cffunction name="getTeams" output="false" access="remote" returntype="query">
 <cfset var qteams = "" />
         <cfset var result= ""> 
         <cfquery datasource="bond100" name="qteams">
         SELECT biodata_id, f_name + ' ' + l_name AS fullname, o_name, team, 
collections_id, ID_biodata, amountPaid, amountExpected, balance, datePaid
             FROM biodata, collections
             WHERE biodata_id = ID_biodata         
         <cfquery dbtype="query" name="results">
         SELECT team, fullname, amountPaid, amountExpected, balance, datePaid
             FROM qteams 
             GROUP BY team          
         <cfreturn results/>

 the error i get is "The column qteams.fullname is invalid in the SELECT list 
clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP 
BY clause."

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