[flexcoders] filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-04 Thread stinasius
hi guys i am tring to filter a datagrid with a price column using a
slider that gets results which are btn two ranges min and max, can
someone please help me. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-04 Thread stinasius
hi am fairly new to flex. if you dont mind maybe you could post some
small example on how to do it. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-05 Thread stinasius
hi thanks for the link, maybe you can help me out here, i am filtering
the datagrid using three controls (2 combo boxes and a slider), the
filter works without the slider but when i add the slider into the
equation nothing shows up in the data grid when each control is
clicked. here is my filter function please help me

public function filterGrid():void{
 //dgrid.selectedIndex = null;  
 public function cityFilter(item:Object):Boolean{
 var result:Boolean=false;

 if ( (city_cb.selectedLabel == All || item.city ==
city_cb.selectedLabel)  (lct_cb.selectedLabel == All ||
item.location == lct_cb.selectedLabel)  (item.value 
priceSlider.values[0]  item.value  priceSlider.values[1])
 return result; 

thanks in advance 

[flexcoders] Re: filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-05 Thread stinasius
hi my price ranges are between 0 and 3,000,000 so should my max value
be 3,000,000 or 1? thanks

[flexcoders] Re: filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-05 Thread stinasius
hi i tried just that but nothing shows up in my datagrid when i filter
it. what could be the problem? here is my update filter function

public function filterGrid():void{
 //dgrid.selectedIndex = null;  
 public function cityFilter(item:Object):Boolean{
 var result:Boolean=false;

 if ( (city_cb.selectedLabel == All || item.city ==
city_cb.selectedLabel)  (lct_cb.selectedLabel == All ||
item.location == lct_cb.selectedLabel)  (item.value 
priceSlider.values[0]  item.value  priceSlider.values[300])
 return result; 

[flexcoders] Re: filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-05 Thread stinasius
hi my filter function returns true for some of the data and in fact
when i remove the slider filter statement, everything works well.
another thing is that i set the onChange function of the combo boxes
and the slider to filterGrid(). is that ok or am doing it the wrong way?

[flexcoders] Re: filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-05 Thread stinasius
hi if you dont mind could you clarify on the trace statement, am not
sure i understand what you said or how to go about it. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-06 Thread stinasius
hi josh nice example but how about using one slider with two thumbs?

[flexcoders] Re: filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-06 Thread stinasius
i managed to build a dual thumb slider that i pass on the filter
function. here is the code.

mx:HSlider x=0 y=240 id=priceSlider minimum=0
maximum=300 tickInterval=10 snapInterval=10
thumbCount=2 values=[0,300] tickColor=#ff
labels=[$0k,$300M] liveDragging=true width=182

[flexcoders] loading flv videos dynamically

2008-08-07 Thread stinasius
hi guys i recently downloaded a flex flv video player component and
tried it out and worked well only i had to feed it with the path to
the flv video. so i tried to load video to a database and have that
data loaded in a datagrid so that if a row is click then the video
clip in that row is played in the flv player but i have not been
successful. does anyone know how to do this. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-08 Thread stinasius
hi guys i hope am not being a pain, but how can i use a combo box and
a slider (two thumbed) to fliter a datagrid? a small code sample will
do it. thanks.

[flexcoders] Re: filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-09 Thread stinasius
hi guy i appreciate that you are really trying to help. but so far i
still have the same problem, when i remove the slider from the filter
equation the datagrid is filtered but when i add it something wired
happens(the data disappears from the grid) here is a sample of my code
and i call the filterGrid() function on the change event of the two
combos and the slider, is that the correct way of doing it? hope this
will help solve my problem. thanks

mx:RemoteObject id=homeSvc destination=ColdFusion
source=iestate.cfcs.homes1 showBusyCursor=true
mx:method name=load result=displayResult(event) / 
!--mx:method name=getCountries 
mx:method name=getcities result=cityResult(event) /
mx:method name=getlocation result=locationResult(event) / 


mx:ComboBox x=0 y=52 width=182 id=city_cb
labelField=city_name change=filterGrid(); selectedIndex=0/
mx:ComboBox x=0 y=108 width=182 id=lct_cb
labelField=lct_name change=filterGrid() selectedIndex=0/
mx:HSlider x=0 y=240 id=priceSlider minimum=0
maximum=300 allowThumbOverlap=false tickInterval=10
snapInterval=10 thumbCount=2 values=[0,300]
tickColor=#ff labels=[$0k,$300M] liveDragging=true
width=182 change=filterGrid()/
mx:DataGrid width=50% height=100% id=dgrid
dataProvider={dataAr} rowCount=20 change=animateMapOut();
headerText=Price dataField=price/
headerText=BedRooms dataField=bedrooms/
headerText=BathRooms dataField=bathrooms/
headerText=Stories dataField=col4/--

public function InitCountry():void{
public function countryResult(event:ResultEvent):void{
ctry_cb.dataProvider = event.result;

private var cityAr:ArrayCollection ;  
public function cityResult(event:ResultEvent):void{ 

cityAr = event.result as ArrayCollection;   
//add an Object at the beginning of the areaAryCol
var city:Object = {city_id: -1, city_name: All};
cityAr.addItemAt(city, 0);
//reset the areaCB's data provider to so the above 
//Object is display at the top of the combo box
city_cb.dataProvider = cityAr ;
city_cb.selectedIndex = 0

private var lctAr:ArrayCollection ;  
public function locationResult(event:ResultEvent):void{ 

lctAr = event.result as ArrayCollection;
//add an Object at the beginning of the areaAryCol
var location:Object = {lct_id: -1, lct_name: All};
lctAr.addItemAt(location, 0);
//reset the areaCB's data provider to so the above 
//Object is display at the top of the combo box
lct_cb.dataProvider = lctAr ;
lct_cb.selectedIndex = 0;

   private var dataAr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;
public function displayResult(event:ResultEvent):void{
dataAr = new ArrayCollection( (event.result as


 public function filterGrid():void{
 //dgrid.selectedIndex = null;  
 public function cityFilter(item:Object):Boolean{

[flexcoders] Re: loading flv videos dynamically

2008-08-10 Thread stinasius
any help guys?

[flexcoders] Re: loading flv videos dynamically

2008-08-10 Thread stinasius
thats exactly what i meant and what am doing but nothing is played in
the flv player. here is the code i use for sending the video to the
player when a row is clicked 


[flexcoders] Re: loading flv videos dynamically

2008-08-10 Thread stinasius
hi if you dont mind would please post a code snippet of how to go
about your solution?

[flexcoders] Re: filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-10 Thread stinasius
when i take out values=[0,300]  there is no change in the
behavior. is the way i call the filter function on the change events
of the combos and slider correct? have a feeling that's what is
causing the problem.

[flexcoders] Re: loading flv videos dynamically

2008-08-11 Thread stinasius
hi its a little more complicated than i mentioned it. i am using a
custom flvplayer component developed by some guys which i load into
another component that holds my datagrid. here is my code maybe you
can be able to help me when you view like this.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:ViewStack backgroundColor=#33 width=50% height=100%
creationComplete=init() mouseDown=this.mouseInteracting=true
xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; xmlns:local=components.*
import mx.controls.Alert;

public function init():void

//public var vidSrc:String =
public var vidSrc:String =

public var doAutoPlay:String = yes;
public var caption:String = Connect Studios | FLaVr;

public function setVidSrc():void
if(this.vidSrc == null){
this.vidSrc = ;
if(this.vidSrc == ){
if(this.caption == ){
this.capCan.visible = false;
this.capCan.visible = true;
this.capLbl.text = this.caption;
this.vid.source = this.vidSrc;
if(this.doAutoPlay.toLowerCase() == yes){

public function vidComplete():void

public function togglePlay():void
this.playBtn.selected = true;
this.playBtn.selected = true;
this.playBtn.selected = false;

public var mouseInteracting:Boolean = false;

public function doUpdate():void
this.vidSlider.value = this.vid.playheadTime;
this.vidSlider.maximum = this.vid.playheadMax;

public function updatePlayhead():void
mx:Canvas borderColor=#C2C2C2 borderStyle=solid
borderThickness=1 id=can width=100% height=100%
horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off
local:FLaVrPlayer id=vid playheadUpdate=this.doUpdate()
width=100% height=100% horizontalCenter=0 verticalCenter=-25
autoPlay=false flvPlayheadEnd=this.vidComplete()/
mx:Image source=@Embed('../images/slideBack.png') bottom=16
mx:Canvas id=controls width=100% height=60 bottom=0
horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off
mx:Canvas id=capCan width=100% 
horizontalCenter=0 bottom=0
visible=true height=28 styleName=capt
horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off
mx:Label x=10 y=4 text=Caption: 
fontFamily=Arial fontSize=12/
mx:Label x=57 y=4 text=... 
fontFamily=Arial fontSize=12 width={this.width-this.capLbl.x-5}

mx:Button x=10 y=0 width=23 height=22
click=this.vid.playheadTime-=3 styleName=btn/
mx:Button x=60 y=0 width=23 height=22
click=this.vid.stop() styleName=btn/
mx:Button x=85 y=0 width=23 height=22
click=this.vid.playheadTime+=3 styleName=btn/
mx:Button x=35 y=0 width=23 height=22
id=playBtn click=this.togglePlay() styleName=btn/
mx:Canvas y=8 height=22 

[flexcoders] Re: filtering a flex datagrid using a slider with two thumbs

2008-08-14 Thread stinasius
hi Tim, thanks your solution worked well. for anyone who is interested
in filtering a datagrid with multiple criteria here is how i pieced up
mine through the enormous help from this group.

private var sliderFromValue : Number = 0;
private var sliderToValue : Number = 300;
private var selectedCity : String = All;
private var selectedLocation : String = All;

private function onSliderChange(event:SliderEvent):void
var slider:Slider = Slider(event.currentTarget) ;
sliderFromValue = priceSlider.values[0];
sliderToValue = priceSlider.values[1];
filterGrid() ;
private function cityChangeHandler(event:Event):void
if( city_cb.selectedItem != null )
selectedCity = city_cb.selectedLabel;

private function locationChangeHandler(event:Event):void
if( lct_cb.selectedItem != null )
selectedLocation = lct_cb.selectedLabel;

private function filterGrid() :void

private function myFilterFunction(item:Object): Boolean
return (item.city == selectedCity || selectedCity == 
(item.location == selectedLocation || selectedLocation 
(item.price = sliderFromValue  item.price = 
sliderToValue) ;
then on each of the controls in my case 2 combo boxes and a slider
call their individual filter functions in the change event like this

mx:ComboBox x=0 y=108 width=182 id=lct_cb
labelField=lct_name change=locationChangeHandler(event)

mx:ComboBox x=0 y=52 width=182 id=city_cb
labelField=city_name change=cityChangeHandler(event)

mx:HSlider x=0 y=240 id=priceSlider minimum=0
maximum=300 allowThumbOverlap=false tickInterval=10
snapInterval=10 thumbCount=2 values=[0,300]
tickColor=#ff labels=[$0k,$300M] liveDragging=true
width=182 change=onSliderChange(event)/
hope someone will find this useful. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: loading flv videos dynamically

2008-08-20 Thread stinasius
hi guys still haven't made progress from my last post. please help me
figure out this. thanks alot 

[flexcoders] flex store effects

2008-08-22 Thread stinasius
hi guys i have a have thumbnail images on a canvas and i want that
when a person clicks on a thumbnail the thumbnails move to the right
and a full image of the thumbnail that was clicked appears on the left
with the same effects in the flex store example. can someone please
help. the code in the flex store example is very complicated. thanks 

[flexcoders] skinning hslider

2008-09-10 Thread stinasius
hi guys how can i change the thumb skin of the hslider to look like
the one in itunes? please help

[flexcoders] custom flex preloader

2008-09-15 Thread stinasius

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[flexcoders] Re: custom flex preloader

2008-09-15 Thread stinasius

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[flexcoders] Re: custom flex preloader

2008-09-15 Thread stinasius
thanks for the reply but i have to say am still confused. anyhow if
you dont mind a simple step by step would do it for me. i think. thanks

[flexcoders] google maps (this sounds ridiculous)

2008-09-16 Thread stinasius
hi guys this may sound ridiculous since this is a yahoo forum but i
have no other place to turn. i have a flex application with a data
grid and a google map. the datagrid is populated by lat  lng
coordinates from a database and i would like that if someone clicks on
a row in the grid the map zooms out of its current position and then
moves to the new coordinates first and zooms in on that particular
place. basically i would like the it to function like the one in this
example http://www.asfusion.com/apps/homelocator/ but using google
maps. thanks guys.

[flexcoders] flex/coldfusion job

2008-09-20 Thread stinasius
hello we are a new start up company in East Africa and we are in a
process of acquiring funds to start on a very massive portal system. A
prototype is already in please and the investors are interested in
funding the whole project. the portal will be built in flex and
coldfusion so i am looking to a flex/ UI designer and flex/flash
programmer, a coldfusion programmer, database designer/programmer,
someone that has very good skills with google/yahoo maps and someone
with very good networking skills. please guys this is for real and you
shall be stationed in Kampala Uganda till the whole project is
finished. please contact me on this address so as to get full details
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]. this is an offer of a
life time. looking forward to hearing from you guys. thanks

[flexcoders] die hard 4 glass like interfaces

2008-09-27 Thread stinasius
hi guys this is gonna sound very ridiculous but just asking, does
anyone know how to design nice glassy interfaces like the one in the
die hard 4 movie eg a datagrid with a glassy feel and no grid rows and
columns showing. 

[flexcoders] flex ui customization

2008-10-04 Thread stinasius
hi guys i am a developer(flex/cf) but my ui skill suck alot. i find my
self spending alot of time trying to come up with a good looking ui.
any resources on flex ui design (minus adobe.com) that a really good
or any free books/tutorials that specifically address flex ui design
and customization?

[flexcoders] Re: Flex, Coldfusion, Air

2008-10-10 Thread stinasius
so if the application is ported(if i may say) to AIR it reduces the
time it takes for the application to open if it where just a flex
app(as in flex apps need good bandwidth to open so if its ported to
AIR that issue is solved right?)

[flexcoders] Flex, Coldfusion, Air

2008-10-10 Thread stinasius
hi guys need to be clear about something, if a have developed a large
flex application with a coldfusion backend and database, can i turn it
into an Air app for guys to download so that when they are on the web
they can access data?

[flexcoders] Re: Flex, Coldfusion, Air

2008-10-10 Thread stinasius
yes but on a broadband 64kbps line shared by about 20 pcs, a flex app
might fail or take a long time to download.

[flexcoders] resizing uploade image

2008-11-18 Thread stinasius
hi guys i have a flex upload component and i would like the image to
be resized when its uploaded but nothing happens. here is my
upload.cfm file the flex component calls.


Flex Multi-File Upload Server Side File Handler 

This file is where the upload action from the Flex Multi-File Upload
UI points.
This is the handler the server side half of the upload process.

!--- set the full path to the images folder ---
cfset mediapath = expandpath('/realestate portal/images/agent_pics')

!--- set the desired image height 
cfset thumbsize = 320

!--- set the desired image width ---
cfset imagesize = 192


Because flash uploads all files with a binary mime type
(application/ocet-stream) we cannot set cffile to accept specfic
mime types.
The workaround is to check the file type after it arrives on the
server and if it is non desireable delete it.
cffile action=upload 
!--- destination=#ExpandPath('\')#realestate
portal\images\agent_pics\ ---

!--- Begin checking the file extension of uploaded files ---
cfset acceptedFileExtensions = 
cfset filecheck =

 !--- read the image 
cfimage name=uploadedImage

!--- figure out which way to scale the image ---
cfif uploadedImage.width gt uploadedImage.height
cfset thmb_percentage = (thumbsize / uploadedImage.width)
cfset percentage = (imagesize / uploadedImage.width)
cfset thmb_percentage = (thumbsize / uploadedImage.height)
cfset percentage = (imagesize / uploadedImage.height)
!--- calculate the new thumbnail and image height/width ---
cfset thumbWidth = round(uploadedImage.width * 
cfset thumbHeight = round(uploadedImage.height * 

cfset newWidth = round(uploadedImage.width * percentage)
cfset newHeight = round(uploadedImage.height * percentage)

!--- see if we need to resize the image, maybe it is already
smaller than our desired size ---
cfif uploadedImage.width gt imagesize
cfimage action=resize 

!--- create a thumbnail for the image ---
cfimage action=resize

If the variable filecheck equals false delete the uploaded file
immediatley as it does not match the desired file types
cfif filecheck eq false
cffile action=delete 

Should any error occur output a pdf with all the details.
It is difficult to debug an error from this file because no debug
information is 
diplayed on page as its called from within the Flash UI.  If your
files are not uploading check 
to see if an errordebug.pdf has been generated.
cfcatch type=any
cfdocument format=PDF overwrite=yes 
cfdump var=#cfcatch#/
please advise

[flexcoders] example on how to use flex builder 2 with cf8 lcds for data push and management

2008-11-18 Thread stinasius
hi guys could someone please guide me on how to use cf8 lcds in flex
builder 2 to update a datagrid with data coming from a databse.

[flexcoders] cfeclipse plugin for flex builder

2008-11-18 Thread stinasius
hi guys am having problems when i install the latest version of
cfeclipse in flex builder i get an error . this is the error i get
When I try to open a cfm/cfc file
Unable to create this part due to an internal error. Reason for
the failure: The editor class could not be instantiated. This usually
indicates that the editor's class name was mistyped in plugin.xml. 

[flexcoders] cfeclipse plugin for flex builder

2008-11-18 Thread stinasius
hi guys am having problems when i install the latest version of
cfeclipse in flex builder i get an error . this is the error i get
When I try to open a cfm/cfc file
Unable to create this part due to an internal error. Reason for
the failure: The editor class could not be instantiated. This usually
indicates that the editor's class name was mistyped in plugin.xml.
any help on how to get it to work?

[flexcoders] Re: resizing uploade image

2008-11-18 Thread stinasius
already tried that and it works, but with flex nothing happens. it
just uploads the image

[flexcoders] flex/coldfusion login snippet

2008-11-21 Thread stinasius
hi guys i need help on flex/coldfusion login.

[flexcoders] login system with flex and coldfusion

2008-11-24 Thread stinasius
hey guys i really need help on this, i would like a simple step by
step on how to create a login system with flex and coldfusion. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: login system with flex and coldfusion

2008-11-24 Thread stinasius
hello is there something more simple to understand than that? one that
uses one cfc 

[flexcoders] Re: login system with flex and coldfusion

2008-11-24 Thread stinasius
ok i dont mind using cfcs bt i think all am asking for is a clear
explanation on how to go abt it. any way thats possible?

[flexcoders] Re: login system with flex and coldfusion

2008-11-24 Thread stinasius
thanks i get now

[flexcoders] flex login popup help needed pleaseeeeeeeee

2008-12-01 Thread stinasius
hello guyz i am having a problem with the login form. i am using the
example of bruce phillps which can be found at this url
here is where am confused: my custom login form is
called as a pop-up window from the main application while bruce's
example it is called through another custom component(hope you
understand what am saying),
LOGIN FORM here is my code


// ActionScript file
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
private var fileRef:FileReference;
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
import mx.events.ValidationResultEvent;

  // Define private variable to hold the Member
//object returned by the CFC method
private var __member:Member;
// Define a getter method for the private variable.
public function get member():Member {

return __member;

}//end get member

/*Called automatically when the result is returned by the
CFC method getMemberByUserNameAndPassword
public function
resultGetMemberByUserNameAndPassword(event:ResultEvent):void {

   //used for debugging - shows details about result
   //returned by the CFC method
   //Alert.show( ObjectUtil.toString(event.result) );
   /*result returned is a Member object
 cast the result returned to a Member class 
and assign it to our Member object*/
   __member = event.result as Member ;
   //remove text in the login input fields
   // Define event object, initialize it, then dispatch it.
   dispatchEvent(new Event(loginSuccess));
} //end function getMemberByUserNameAndPassword

  automatically called if the CFC method call causes an error
private function

//Alert.show( ObjectUtil.toString(event.fault) );

//Alert.show(event.fault.faultString );

currentState = 'loginError';

}//end function faultGetMemberByUserNameAndPassword

/*Function is called automatically when the user makes
changes to any of the registration input fields
if all input fields are valid, the register btn is enabled
private function validateRegistration():void {
var usernameResult:ValidationResultEvent =
var passwordResult:ValidationResultEvent =
var firstnameResult:ValidationResultEvent =
var lastnameResult:ValidationResultEvent =
var emailResult:ValidationResultEvent = emV.validate();
var phoneResult:ValidationResultEvent = phV.validate();
var photoResult:ValidationResultEvent = 
var zipResult:ValidationResultEvent = zipValidator.validate();  
var confirmResult:ValidationResultEvent = confirmPsV.validate();

if (usernameResult.type == ValidationResultEvent.VALID 
passwordResult.type == ValidationResultEvent.VALID ) {

   loginButton.enabled = true;


else if(usernameResult.type == ValidationResultEvent.VALID 

passwordResult.type == 
firstnameResult.type == 
lastnameResult.type == 
emailResult.type == ValidationResultEvent.VALID 

phoneResult.type == ValidationResultEvent.VALID 


[flexcoders] Re: flex login popup help needed pleaseeeeeeeee

2008-12-02 Thread stinasius
please guys any help am desperate.

[flexcoders] Re: flex login popup help needed pleaseeeeeeeee

2008-12-02 Thread stinasius
hi am confused on what to do because am using bruce phillps example
where the username and password are stored in a database(access) and a
cfc service object(Memberservice.cfc) is used to interact with the
database and flex UI. anyone with a knowledge on hw to do this with
flex and coldfusion? by the way thanks for taking time to help me.

[flexcoders] Re: flex login popup help needed pleaseeeeeeeee

2008-12-03 Thread stinasius
thanks but that post does not really shed light on how to develop a
simple login system in flex and coldfusion where login details like
username and password are stored and pulled from a database. bruce
has a good example bt the only thing i need to know is how to handle
login success from a popup login window. for example if i have a main
application with a view stack that has two views the first one a
general view and the second one an admin view where one has to click
on a button on the main application to get a popup login window to
login to see the admin view. thanks

[flexcoders] interface layout help

2008-12-06 Thread stinasius
hi guys i am seeking opinions on how to layout an interface of an app
i am developing. the front is laid out as follows
1) search box on the left with search criteria
2) a datagrid and tabnavigator in the middle
3) a map and a video player on the right

now the data grid gets results form a database which are filtered
using the search interface and then the details from the data grid
show up in the tab navigator and also the map and player are hooked up
to the data grid. is it good to have them all showing at once or there
is a more professional way to do this? i wish it was possible to send
a screen shot of the interface i have now. anyhw need advise on how
best to lay it out.thanks

[flexcoders] Re: interface layout help

2008-12-07 Thread stinasius
OK this is the description of the usage pattern. the application is a
real estate portal where people can easily find housing. now when
someone visits the portal they do a search for property of their
choice using different criteria. the search results show up in a
datagrid and when he/she have identified what they want then they can
click on a row in the datagrid to view details of the property which
show up in a tab navigator that has two tabs one for info on the
property and the other for pictures of the property plus when the
person clicks on a row in the datagrid the map zooms in on the
property to show surrounding areas and also a virtual tour is shown in
the video player. all that shows up at the same time on the same page.
now is there a better way to do it?

[flexcoders] Re: interface layout help

2008-12-08 Thread stinasius
hi please check your email. i have just sent you a snap shot of the
interface please respond.

[flexcoders] Re: interface layout help

2008-12-09 Thread stinasius
i think that having a tile list is great but then hw do i bring up the
map and the virtual tour when one needs details on property?

[flexcoders] Re: interface layout help

2008-12-09 Thread stinasius
yeah but if combined together like having two views that guys can
switch to (for example the datagrid view and a tile window view) would
be great. my problem is that i feel there must be another way to bring
up the map and the virtual tour. having all the four components
showing at the same time. but am not in anyway a good visual designer.

[flexcoders] Re: interface layout help

2008-12-09 Thread stinasius
what am saying is that i would like to deliver info on demand in a way
that is easy to understand and fluid. for example have just the tile
view with the option of jumping to a datagrid view, then show the map
and virtual tour when needed all in a fluid way and easy to
understand. for example acrobat.com can give you an idea

[flexcoders] Re: flex login popup help needed pleaseeeeeeeee

2008-12-10 Thread stinasius
guys am sorry for sounding so naive but i have still failed to make
this work. i have a popup login that is called by clicking on a signin
button on the main application and i would like that someone be a
registered user to be able to login so his/her login details must
match what is in the database and i am using coldfusion. when login is
successful the child in the view stack should change to admin view.
can someone please and i say please help me with this proble?

[flexcoders] Re: flex login popup help needed pleaseeeeeeeee

2008-12-12 Thread stinasius
Hi Tracy you asked hw far i was, well i decided to redo it from
scratch so that i can get guidance. now i have 4 mxml files. one is
the main application(login_example.mxml) and there is the Home.mxml
which is the default view, the Admin.mxml which requires one to login
in order to view it and a login.mxml which is the popup login form.
now from there all a ask 4 is a simple cfc that will do the
authentication and also how to use it in my flex app. here is my code.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
layout=absolute xmlns:view=components.*
mx:State name=Log Out
mx:SetProperty target={label1} name=text 
value=Log Out/
import components.*;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
private var myLoginForm:IFlexDisplayObject;
private function showPopUp(e:MouseEvent):void {
myLoginForm = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, Login, 
mx:Label x=0 y=0 text=Sign In id=label1 buttonMode=true
useHandCursor=true mouseChildren=false click=showPopUp(event)/
mx:ViewStack x=0 y=26 id=viewstack1 width=100% height=100%
view:Home id=home/


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; width=100%
height=100% backgroundColor=#ff8000



?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; width=100%
height=100% backgroundColor=#40



?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
layout=absolute title=Login Form
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
mx:Form x=0 y=0
mx:FormItem label=User Name:
mx:FormItem label=Password:
mx:Button label=Login/


please guys this would mean alot to me. thanks for sticking up to this

[flexcoders] Re: flex login popup help needed pleaseeeeeeeee

2008-12-12 Thread stinasius
hi tracy i dont know php. i use coldfusion. a coldfusion remedy would
be good. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: flex login popup help needed pleaseeeeeeeee

2008-12-12 Thread stinasius
hi guys i think am making progress. this is what i have so far.


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
layout=absolute xmlns:view=components.*
mx:State name=Log Out
mx:SetProperty target={label1} name=text 
value=Log Out/
import components.*;
import mx.containers.TitleWindow;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.CloseEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;

public var loggedin:Boolean = false;
public var pop:Login;
private function showLogin():void
pop = Login(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this,Login,true));
pop.showCloseButton =true;
pop[cancelButton].addEventListener(click, removeMe);
private function removeMe(event:Event):void {
private function processLogin(event:Event):void
if(pop.username.text ==  || pop.password.text == )
Alert.show(Login name and password are required
fields.,WARNING::Login Alert);
// log user in or something...
lbl_intro.text = Welcome  +pop.username.text;
viewstack1.selectedChild = admin;
currentState = 'Log Out';
mx:Label x=0 y=0 text=Sign In id=label1 buttonMode=true
useHandCursor=true mouseChildren=false click=showLogin()/
mx:ViewStack x=0 y=26 id=viewstack1 width=100% height=100%
view:Home id=home/
view:Admin id=admin/
mx:Label x=700 y=0 id=lbl_intro/


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
layout=absolute title=Login Form   
mx:Form x=0 y=0
mx:FormItem label=User Name:
mx:TextInput id=username/
mx:FormItem label=Password:
mx:TextInput id=password/
mx:HBox width=100%  
mx:Button label=Login id=okButton/
mx:Spacer width=100%/
mx:Button label=Cancel id=cancelButton/

now i would like to connect that to this coldfusion script to have the
cfc match login details from flex and database


COMPONENT: MemberService
AUTHOR: Bruce Phillips, br...@phillips.name
DATE: March 2007
PURPOSE: Provides service functions related to a Member


cfcomponent displayname=MemberService output=false hint=Member

!---document each instance variable---
cfproperty  name=dsn  displayname=Datasource Name
hint=Datasource name used to connect CF to the database 

!---initilization area - acts like a constructor as its called


variables.dsn = 'usr_grp';


cffunction name=init access=public output=false
returntype=MemberService hint=Constructor for this CFC
!--- take in the datasource name as an argument and set it to 
variables scope so it's available 
throughout the CFC ---
cfargument name=dsn type=string required=true /
cfset variables.dsn = arguments.dsn /

!--- return the object itself ---
cfreturn this /

cffunction name=getMemberByUserNameAndPassword access=public
output=false returntype=Member 
hint=Tries to find a record with a matching username 
and password.
 If only 1 record
is found creates a Member object using the 
record's column values.
cfargument name=aUserName type=string required=true /
cfargument name=aPassword  type=string required=true /

[flexcoders] Re: flex login popup help needed pleaseeeeeeeee

2008-12-15 Thread stinasius
please guys am stuck. can someone please give an example of a cfc with
hard coded username and password and show how to hook it up to my
login form and authenticate the user so that if there is login success
the viewstack child changes to admin. pleaseee i have read
through all the tutorials concerning flex/cf authentication and they
are not clear. help me guys.

[flexcoders] Re: geting info of a user who has loged in

2009-01-08 Thread stinasius
hi this is my the login code functionality am using that i got from
flex cookbook example and works perfect.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
layout=absolute title=Login Form
   [Event(name=loginSuccessful, type=flash.events.Event)] 

import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.ValidationResultEvent;

private function isValid():Boolean
var emailValidResult:ValidationResultEvent =
var pswdValidResult:ValidationResultEvent =

if (emailValidResult.type==ValidationResultEvent.VALID 
return true;
return false;   


private function authenticateUser():void
if( isValid() )
authManager.loginUser( this.username_txt.text,
this.password_txt.text );   

private function errorMessage(msg:String):void
//Alert.show( ObjectUtil.toString(event.message) );
this.errorMsg.text = msg;
this.errorMsg.height = 15;
this.errorMsg.visible = true;
private function serverFault(event:FaultEvent):void


private function login_result(event:ResultEvent):void
// login successful, remember the user.
if( event.result == true || event.result == TRUE ||
event.result == 1 || event.result == 1 )
this.dispatchEvent( new 
Event('loginSuccessful') );
// login didn't work. show message
errorMessage(Login unsuccessful); 

   mx:method name=loginUser result=login_result(event)
fault=serverFault(event) /

required=true /
required=true /

mx:Form x=0 y=0
mx:FormItem label=User Name:
mx:TextInput id=username_txt/
mx:FormItem label=Password:
mx:TextInput id=password_txt/
mx:Text x=0 y=90 id=errorMsg visible=true color=red
width=100% height=0 /
mx:HBox width=100%  
mx:Button label=Login id=okButton 
mx:Spacer width=100%/
mx:Button label=Cancel id=cancelButton/


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
layout=absolute xmlns:view=components.*
mx:State name=Log Out
mx:SetProperty target={label1} name=text 
value=Log Out/
import components.*;
//Flash Classes
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;

//Flex Classes
import mx.containers.TitleWindow;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.CloseEvent;
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;

public var loggedin:Boolean = false;
public var pop:Login;   

[flexcoders] scaleMode(scaling app)

2009-01-11 Thread stinasius
hi guys i have been reading alex aharui's blog
about scaling a flex application and i like it but i have one problem.
he says to get better results you have to estimate the size that is
width and height of the application other wise if you use percentages
the scalemode wont work. now i would like to have my flex app cover
the whole screen area and i am currently using percentages
(width=100% and height=100%) and when i use the scalemode half of
my application is seen the other half is cut away. my question is! is
there a way of estimating the width and height of the app if its going
to cover the whole screen area without using percentages and is there
a way to archive good result even if you are still using percentages.
by good result i mean as you shrink the application its contents like
text and images also shrink to fit the app so that there are no scroll
bars. thanks

[flexcoders] custom image component that uses the url property to load images

2009-01-16 Thread stinasius
hi i downloaded a custom image component that has reflection
functionality and i am using to load dynamic images but i keep getting
this error Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035:
URL Not Found. here is the component and my code


import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.net.URLRequest;

import mx.core.UIComponent;

public class ReflectionObject extends UIComponent
private var _picture:Bitmap;
private var _loader :Loader;
private var _request:URLRequest;

private var _reflection :BitmapData;
private var _reflectionHolder   :Bitmap;

 * Constructor
public function ReflectionObject()
_loader  = new Loader();

public function set url(_url:String):void
_request = new URLRequest(_url);

public function loadImage():void


private function onLoadImageComplete(evt:Event):void


_picture = _loader.content as Bitmap;


private function createReflection():void
var iteratorI   :Number = 0;
var iteratorJ   :Number = 0;
var flipMatrix  :Matrix = new Matrix();

flipMatrix.scale( -1, 1 );
flipMatrix.translate(0, _picture.height+1);

_reflection = new BitmapData(_picture.width, _picture.height, true,
_reflection.draw(_picture, flipMatrix);

for (iteratorI = 0; iteratorI _picture.height; iteratorI++)
var rowFactor   :Number = Math.max(0, 0.6 - (iteratorI /
for (iteratorJ = 0; iteratorJ  _picture.width; iteratorJ++)
var pixelValue  :uint = 
_reflection.getPixel32(iteratorJ, iteratorI);
var alphaValue  :uint = pixelValue  24  0xFF;
var rgbValue:uint = pixelValue  0xff;
var resultAlpha :uint = alphaValue * rowFactor;

_reflection.setPixel32(iteratorJ, iteratorI, 
resultAlpha  24 |

_reflectionHolder = new Bitmap(_reflection);
_reflectionHolder.y = _picture.y + _picture.height;
_reflectionHolder.x = _picture.x;


override protected function 
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

height  = _picture.height;
width   = _picture.width;


override protected function measure():void

measuredWidth  = 80;
measuredHeight = 80;


reflection:ReflectionObject url={'images/pics/' + data.img}/

what could be wrong with my code?

[flexcoders] flexstore effect

2009-01-20 Thread stinasius
hi guys how can i achieve the flex store effect when someone clicks on
a thumbnail and the thumbnails move beautifully to the right and the
details show up on the left. how can i do this with mxml and states. i
have the flexstore example but the code is so complicated.

[flexcoders] Centered preloader that displays while image is loading

2009-01-21 Thread stinasius
how can i show a preloader while an image?

[flexcoders] Re: flexstore effect

2009-01-22 Thread stinasius
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, stinasius stinas...@... wrote:

 hi guys how can i achieve the flex store effect when someone clicks on
 a thumbnail and the thumbnails move beautifully to the right and the
 details show up on the left. how can i do this with mxml and states. i
 have the flexstore example but the code is so complicated.

anyhelp guys? would appreciate it. by the way am using flex builder 2

[flexcoders] Maintaining Login Data in Flex

2009-01-25 Thread stinasius
Hi guys i came across a very nice post on Maintaining Login Data in
Flex and since i was working on a project that required
authentication using a coldfusion backend and a database, this post
caught my eye. how do use the following class to maintain login data
and access it from anywhere in my application. here is the like to the
and here is the class


package classes.UserInfo
public class UserInfo{
private static var myUserName:String = ;
private static var myFullName:String = ;
private static var myEmail:String = ;

public static function get UserFullName():String{
return UserInfo.myFullName;
public static function set 
UserInfo.myFullName = param;
public static function get UserName():String{
return UserInfo.myUserName;
public static function set UserName(param:String):void{
UserInfo.myUserName = param;
public static function get Email():String{
return UserInfo.myEmail;
public static function set Email(param:String):void{
UserInfo.myEmail = param;
public static function getInstanceMemento():Object{
var o:Object = {
myUserName: UserInfo.myUserName,
myFullName: UserInfo.myFullName,
myEmail: UserInfo.myEmail
return o;
public static function 
UserInfo.myUserName = param.myUserName;
UserInfo.myFullName = param.myFullName;
UserInfo.myEmail = param.myEmail;

[flexcoders] adding components in alert control

2009-01-28 Thread stinasius
hi how can i add a text/text input, in an alert control in flex?

[flexcoders] tiltle window called through states disabling application

2009-01-29 Thread stinasius
hi guys i have a title window that i call through view states. i would
like to know how to disable the whole application when the title
window is opened without using the popup class. thanks

[flexcoders] transition effect

2009-01-31 Thread stinasius
hi how can i achieve the transition effect used in this case study
when some click's to view details of product and a title window popups
and the it moves and resizes so smoothly to show the email form? here
is the url to what am talking abt. http://www.relogiosopala.com/;

[flexcoders] sms with flex and coldfusion

2009-02-03 Thread stinasius
how can i send an sms to a mobile phone without the need of a gateway
through a flex form using a coldfusion backend?

[flexcoders] Re: sms with flex and coldfusion

2009-02-04 Thread stinasius
isn't there a custom component or can i just write my own code for it?
thats what i meant

[flexcoders] array not being refreshed

2009-02-06 Thread stinasius
hi i have a tilelist and i use the selectedItem to populate an array
which i then used as a dataprovider for my displayshelf component to
show images. when i click an item in the tilelist, the array is
populated and my images show up, but when i select another object in
the tilelist the images are not changed more like the array is not
being refreshed. any advise. here is my code


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; width=100%
height=100% xmlns:local=com.*

mx:Binding source=sel.value destination=shelf.selectedIndex /
mx:Binding destination=sel.value source=shelf.selectedIndex /

mx:Binding source=angle.value destination=shelf.angle /
mx:Binding source=pop.value destination=shelf.popout /

mx:Array id=img 






local:DisplayShelf id=shelf  horizontalCenter=0
verticalCenter=0  borderThickness=5 borderColor=#FF
dataProvider={img} enableHistory=false width=100%/
mx:VBox horizontalCenter=0 bottom=10 horizontalAlign=center
verticalAlign=middle width=100%
mx:HBox width=100%
mx:Label text=Angle:  width=75/
mx:HSlider liveDragging=true id=angle minimum=5 
maximum=90 snapInterval=.1 width=100% /

mx:HBox width=100%
mx:Label text=Selection:  width=75/
mx:HSlider liveDragging=true id=sel minimum=0 
maximum={shelf.dataProvider.length} snapInterval=1 width=100% /

mx:HBox width=100%
mx:Label text=pop:  width=75/
mx:HSlider liveDragging=true id=pop minimum=0 
maximum=1 snapInterval=.01 width=100% /

[flexcoders] Re: array not being refreshed

2009-02-06 Thread stinasius
even when i use an array collection there is no change. even the
displayshelf component has a mechanism of turn an array into
arraycollection. i don't know if its possible to have new images
loaded in the component dynamically. i have only tried using this
component with static images but now my images are a database. any one
with an idea?

[flexcoders] tilelist HighlightIndicator effects

2009-02-08 Thread stinasius
hi i would like to define fade or move (or a combination of both)
effects for a tilelist's HighlightIndicator so that instead of just
appearing or disappearing it moves and fades in when mouse is over an
item in tile list and moves and fades out smoothly when mouse roll's
out and is over another item. hope am not being extravagant with this.
is this possible and if it is, how? thanks

[flexcoders] Re: tilelist HighlightIndicator effects

2009-02-08 Thread stinasius
http://listbase.as/ is broken. any step by step on how to archive
this. here is my code for the highlightIndicator, how can i apply a
tween effect to it.

override protected function drawHighlightIndicator(indicator:Sprite,
x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint,
var g:Graphics = indicator.graphics;

[flexcoders] Re: tilelist HighlightIndicator effects

2009-02-08 Thread stinasius
any small example on how to this will be great. am new to
actionscript. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: tilelist HighlightIndicator effects

2009-02-10 Thread stinasius
hi where can i find ListBase.as?

[flexcoders] Re: tilelist HighlightIndicator effects

2009-02-10 Thread stinasius
i have seen a nice example on how to change hightlight indicator's
alpha to 50% and adds a fade-in effect using Tweener: used it but i
get this error 1120: access to undefined property tweener. here is
my code

import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import mx.controls.TileList;
import mx.controls.listClasses.IListItemRenderer;
import mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase;

override protected function drawHighlightIndicator(indicator:Sprite,
x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint,
var g:Graphics = indicator.graphics;

indicator.x = x;
indicator.y = y;
indicator.alpha = 0;
Tweener.addTween(indicator,({alpha:.5, time:1,

[flexcoders] Re: tilelist HighlightIndicator effects

2009-02-10 Thread stinasius
ok i have gotten it to work, small problem though, the clear function
gives me error, as in when i rollout i would like to apply a same
effect except this time the alpha is 0. here is my code so far. the
error i get is 1020: method marked override must override another method

override protected function drawHighlightIndicator(indicator:Sprite,
x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint,
var g:Graphics = indicator.graphics;
indicator.alpha = 0;
Tweener.addTween(indicator,({alpha:.8, time:1,

   override protected function
clearHighlightIndicator(indicator:Sprite,x:Number, y:Number,
width:Number, height:Number, color:uint,
Tweener.addTween(indicator,({alpha:0, time:1,

[flexcoders] Re: tilelist HighlightIndicator effects

2009-02-10 Thread stinasius
what is the right parameter to use here?

[flexcoders] how to use a list's change event to refresh an array that is bound to it.

2009-02-11 Thread stinasius
how can i use a list's change event to refresh an array that is bound
to the list. for example if the list is populated by an array
collection  an displays images, how can i use the list's change event
to refresh an array that is bound to it and acts as a data provider
for another control? an example will be great. thanks

[flexcoders] using sharedobject to maintain login data

2009-02-11 Thread stinasius
i recently built a login system in flex with a coldfusion backend with
the help of this forum and i put up the solution on the flex cook
book. now i realized that it was kind of incomplete coz though it
works perfectly, it still lacks a mechanism to save the login data. so
my question is how can i use a sharedObject to save the login info so
that it can be used throughout the flex application. here is the flex
sample code of the login system i created and posted on cookbook.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
layout=absolute xmlns:view=components.*
mx:State name=Log Out
mx:SetProperty target={label1} name=text 
value=Log Out/
import components.*;
//Flash Classes
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;

//Flex Classes
import mx.containers.TitleWindow;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.CloseEvent;
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;

public var loggedin:Boolean = false;
public var pop:Login;   

private function showLogin():void
pop =
Login(PopUpManager.createPopUp(Application.application as
pop.showCloseButton =true;
pop[cancelButton].addEventListener(click, removeMe);
pop.addEventListener( loginSuccessful,
handleLoginSucess ); 

private function removeMe(event:Event):void {

private function handleLoginSucess(event:Event):void{
viewstack1.selectedChild = admin;
lbl_intro.text = Welcome  +pop.username_txt.text;
currentState = 'Log Out';


mx:Label x=0 y=0 text=Sign In id=label1 buttonMode=true
useHandCursor=true mouseChildren=false click=showLogin()/
mx:ViewStack x=0 y=26 id=viewstack1 width=100% height=100%
view:Home id=home/
view:Admin id=admin/
mx:Label x=700 y=0 id=lbl_intro/

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
layout=absolute title=Login Form
   [Event(name=loginSuccessful, type=flash.events.Event)] 

import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.ValidationResultEvent;

private function isValid():Boolean
var emailValidResult:ValidationResultEvent =
var pswdValidResult:ValidationResultEvent =

if (emailValidResult.type==ValidationResultEvent.VALID 
return true;
return false;   


private function authenticateUser():void
if( isValid() )
authManager.loginUser( this.username_txt.text,
this.password_txt.text );   

private function errorMessage(msg:String):void
//Alert.show( ObjectUtil.toString(event.message) );
this.errorMsg.text = msg;
this.errorMsg.height = 15;
this.errorMsg.visible = true;
private function serverFault(event:FaultEvent):void


private function login_result(event:ResultEvent):void
// login successful, remember the user.
if( event.result == true || 

[flexcoders] need visual design work done

2009-02-13 Thread stinasius
hi i need a very good visual design to do some visual work for me.
what is need is listed below

1- nice dark background that matches the darkroom theme(am using
darkroom theme and need a background image)

2- nice effects (resize, move, fade or zoom) for popup ie titlewindow
when popuping up and when closing

3- very fluid change effects for viewstack children

4- filter effects for tilelist

5- custom titlewindow with header background image and anchored round
close button(dont like the skinned titlewindow of darkroom theme)

6- whatever you feel is good that i have left out.

remember that they should be compatible with both flex sdk 2 and sdk
3. am currently using sdk 2. let me know how much it costs. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: tilelist HighlightIndicator effects

2009-02-13 Thread stinasius
hi i have tried everything you have said but i get an error. here is
the code i use for clearing the highlightIndicator. the error i get is
method marked override must override another method

override protected function clearHighlightIndicator(indicator:Sprite,
   Tweener.addTween(indicator,({alpha:0, time:1,

[flexcoders] Re: how to use a list's change event to refresh an array that is bound to it.

2009-02-13 Thread stinasius
hello any help out there?

[flexcoders] generating codes that users can use to pay for a service

2009-02-24 Thread stinasius
hello guys before i ask this let me say i know that many people will
probably suggest using online payment systems like paypal but that is
not an option in my case. so this is what i would like to know. i have
a website where companies can post ads but before they can post the ad
they have to have a code(key) which they purchase. lets say someone
wanted to have his ad running for a month and the total monthly charge
is 20 dollars, they have to purchase the code for 20 dollars which
they input into the system and if valid then they can post their ad.
can i create a system in flex/as3/coldfusion to generate the codes and
tie a particular code to an amount for example if you want your ad to
run for a month and it costs $20 then the system generates different
codes that are worth $20 or can i use a database of some kind to store
the codes? and how can i validate the code is worth $20? hope my
question is clear. 

[flexcoders] Re: generating codes that users can use to pay for a service

2009-02-24 Thread stinasius
well am working on an application like ebay where guys can post staff
for people to see. before posting staff one has to pay the monthly
charge for posting. thought about paypal but in africa people are wary
of using their debit cards so i thought may be i could generate keys
that they can purchase from lets say convenient stores and supply that
key when they are posting staff. so how can this be done?

[flexcoders] titlewindow skinned component

2009-03-03 Thread stinasius
hi how can i skin or where can i get a custom title window component
like the one found here
http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/marketing_platforms_06.html; thanks

[flexcoders] how to close a titlewindow that was not created as a popup

2009-03-05 Thread stinasius
hi how can one how to close a titlewindow that was not created as a popup?

[flexcoders] Re: how to close a titlewindow that was not created as a popup

2009-03-05 Thread stinasius
care to share how?

[flexcoders] dispatching data from remote object cfc query in an event.

2009-03-05 Thread stinasius
hi how can i dispatch data from a remote object call to a cfc query in an event.

[flexcoders] rss feed from various sources in flex

2009-03-06 Thread stinasius
hi how can i create an rss feed reader that gets feed from more than one 
source. for example if i need to get entertainment news from mtv and other 
music sources how can i do that in flex and coldfusion?

[flexcoders] Re: how to close a titlewindow that was not created as a popup

2009-03-06 Thread stinasius
i am getting this error when i apply your code.

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the 
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at mx.core::Container/removeChild()
at custom_comps::login_register/closeWindow()
at custom_comps::login_register/___TitleWindow1_close()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()
at mx.containers::Panel/closeButton_clickHandler()

[flexcoders] Re: how to close a titlewindow that was not created as a popup

2009-03-06 Thread stinasius
am calling it from with the titlewindow i would like to close. i also tried 
calling it from the parent page that calls the custom titlewindow.

[flexcoders] Re: rss feed from various sources in flex

2009-03-06 Thread stinasius
any tutorial on that?

[flexcoders] move component over text

2009-03-08 Thread stinasius
hi guys how do i move a box component over a text when i rollover the text?

[flexcoders] possibility of opening a web page in a flex application

2009-03-08 Thread stinasius
is it possible to open web page for 
example(http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1606473/20090306/rihanna.jhtml) in a 
flex application let's say inside a flex canvas component?

[flexcoders] Re: how to close a titlewindow that was not created as a popup

2009-03-09 Thread stinasius
this is my code

import mx.containers.TitleWindow;

 private function closeWindow(event:Event):void{
removeChild( event.target as TitleWindow);

then on the titlewindow component this is the way i call the close function

mx:State name=login_reg
mx:RemoveChild target={intro}/
mx:AddChild relativeTo={intro_container}
comp:login_register id=login_reg 
close=closeWindow(event) loginSuccessful=handleLoginSucess(event)/

[flexcoders] storing login data from a cfquery for use throught flex app

2009-03-10 Thread stinasius
hi i got a login form in flex with a coldfusion backend and it work's perfectly 
but i need it to go one step further. store login data form the cfquery so that 
it can be reused throughout the flex app. here is a senario. the login form has 
a username and password textinput fields which are validated using a remote 
object call to a cfc that queries a db table with username, password and email 
fields. now when login is successful i would like to store the data returned 
from the cfc including email for use throughout my application. please help me 
out here. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: storing login data from a cfquery for use throught flex app

2009-03-10 Thread stinasius
hi i created a storage class that i was using and it works perfectly but i dont 
know how to use it to get data from a cfc through remote object call. here is 
my code it works with username and password but when it comes to geting the 
email address associated with the username and password from the db i dont know 
how to do that and thats my biggest problem.


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout=absolute 
mx:State name=Log Out
mx:SetProperty target={label1} name=text 
value=Log Out/
import components.*;
//Flash Classes
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;

//Flex Classes
import mx.containers.TitleWindow;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.CloseEvent;
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;

//static class
import classes.UserInfo;

public var loggedin:Boolean = false;
public var pop:Login;   

private function showLogin():void
pop = Login(PopUpManager.createPopUp(Application.application as 
pop.showCloseButton =true;
pop[cancelButton].addEventListener(click, removeMe);
pop.addEventListener( loginSuccessful, handleLoginSucess);
//UserInfo.Email = pop.authManager.email; 

private function removeMe(event:Event):void {

private function handleLoginSucess(event:Event):void{
viewstack1.selectedChild = admin;
lbl_intro.text = Welcome  +pop.username_txt.text;
currentState = 'Log Out';
UserInfo.UserName = pop.username_txt.text;
UserInfo.Email = pop.authManager.email;

//trace (UserInfo.Email);


mx:Label x=0 y=0 text=Sign In id=label1 buttonMode=true 
useHandCursor=true mouseChildren=false click=showLogin()/
mx:ViewStack x=0 y=26 id=viewstack1 width=100% height=100%
view:Home id=home/
view:Admin id=admin/
mx:Label x=700 y=0 id=lbl_intro/


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout=absolute 
title=Login Form
   [Event(name=loginSuccessful, type=flash.events.Event)] 

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.ValidationResultEvent;

import mx.core.Application;
import classes.UserInfo;

private function isValid():Boolean
var emailValidResult:ValidationResultEvent = 
var pswdValidResult:ValidationResultEvent = 

if (emailValidResult.type==ValidationResultEvent.VALID 
return true;
return false;   


private function authenticateUser():void
if( isValid() )
authManager.loginUser( this.username_txt.text, 
this.password_txt.text/* , userCredentials  */); 
UserInfo.isLogged = true;  

private function errorMessage(msg:String):void

[flexcoders] Re: storing login data from a cfquery for use throught flex app

2009-03-11 Thread stinasius
hi how do i assign the properties of UserInfo in the result handler?

[flexcoders] Re: storing login data from a cfquery for use throught flex app

2009-03-12 Thread stinasius
in my cfc the return type is boolean and is set to return true if there is a 
match. when i set the return type to query to return the query 
result(checkAuthentication), nothing happens.

cffunction name=loginUser access=remote returntype=boolean
cfargument name=username type=string required=true/
cfargument name=password type=string required=true/

cfquery name=checkAuthentication 
  FROM profile
  where username = cfqueryparam 
cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar value=#arguments.username#
and Password = cfqueryparam 
cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar value=#arguments.password#

cfif checkAuthentication.recordCount EQ 1
   cfreturn true/
   !---cfreturn checkAuthentication---
   cfreturn false/

[flexcoders] Re: storing login data from a cfquery for use throught flex app

2009-03-13 Thread stinasius
hi, may be i will try to put the question this way, in my cfc i have to return 
a Boolean value true or false because in my result handler on the login page 
i test to see if the result returned is true or false then make a decision to 
accept login or not. this is my result handler on the login page

private function login_result(event:ResultEvent):void
// login successful, remember the user.
if( event.result == true || event.result == TRUE || 
event.result == 1 || event.result == 1 )

this.dispatchEvent( new 
Event('loginSuccessful') );
// login didn't work. show message
errorMessage(Login unsuccessful); 
but if i set the cfc to return a query result in this case 
checkAuthentication nothing happens. so is there a way of returning a query 
result and have the result handler check against the returned result in order 
to make a decision to authenticate or not?

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