[flexcoders] This component won't populate with data

2009-04-21 Thread elevight
Here is just a sample combobox component I was testing, and it won't populate. 
Can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:ComboBox xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;

import mx.core.Application;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

public function cboLabelFunction(o:Object):String
trace(-- + o.firstName);
return o.firstName +   + o.lastName;

mx:Model id=modelPeople
person firstName=Kate middleName=Bailey 
lastName=Beckinsale fileName=KateBeckinsale.jpg/
person firstName=Kristen middleName=Anne 
lastName=Bell fileName=KristenBell.jpg/
person firstName=Kristin middleName=Laura 
lastName=Kreuk fileName=KristinKreuk.jpg/
person firstName=Calista middleName=Kay 
lastName=Flockhart fileName=CalistaFlockhart.jpg/
person firstName=Nicole middleName=Evangeline 
lastName=Lilly fileName=EvangelineLilly.jpg/



[flexcoders] Perennial problem with Flex -- single element vs multi-element

2009-04-21 Thread elevight
For those of you who have been using Flex since 1.5, do you remember how Flex 
always had a problem returning single-element arrays as a non-array object, and 
how we had to apply mx.utils.ArrayUtils to force it to become a one-element 

It seems like Flex 3.0 still has the same problem. If the XML I am getting from 
the server looks like this:

node /
node /

that is, a root tag with more than one child node, event.result.root.node will 
be of type ArrayCollection. But if the XML is like this:

node /

where there is only one child tag, event.result.root.node becomes of type 
mx.utils.ObjectProxy. This is causing my application to bomb because I'm 
automatically storing the results in an ArrayCollection.

Has anyone had this problem before? Any suggestions on how to handle this would 
be greatly appreciated.


[flexcoders] Datagrid question

2009-04-20 Thread elevight
Imagine a mx:DataGrid with 3 columns. The first and second columns are people's 
first and last names, respectively. The third column is a custom MXML component 
that displays a button with its 'label' property set to a random number 
generated within the component; this number is generated during its 

My objective now is to get the value of that button's label. How can I get it?

The only way I can think of is to somehow be able to get a reference to that 
component in the third column, then I can access the component's properties.

Can someone show me how I can do this in Actionscript?


[flexcoders] Datagrid cell event

2009-04-20 Thread elevight
I realize a datagrid can have a change event which triggers when the user 
selects a row.

But if one or more of the columns are editable, is there a way to define a 
change event on a CELL basis without resorting to making that column into an 
MXML component itemrenderer?


[flexcoders] XML issue driving me nuts

2009-04-08 Thread elevight
My short test code is down at the bottom after my description of the problem.

My object is to populate two mx:Tree objects. In my short code sample below, 
only the second tree is getting populated. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing 
wrong with the first mx:Tree?

In summary, both mx:Tree objects use XMLListCollection objects as their 
dataProviders. Both XMLListCollection objects' sources are XMLList objects. 
Both XMLList objects are populated with the same identical XML data. The only 
difference is that one XMLList object gets its XML data from an inline XMLList 
definition, while the other is from an inline XML definition which is passed to 
an XMLList. This subtle difference causes the first mx:Tree not to show 
anything, while the second does. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout=absolute 

import mx.events.ListEvent;

private var xmllMenu1:XMLList;

private function init():void
//Here's how I'm populating the first XMLList 
xmllMenu1 = new XMLList(xmlMenu1 as XML);

private function 
trace(label= + 
event.target.selectedit...@label +
  (event.target.selectedit...@id == 
undefined ?  :  id= + event.target.selectedit...@id));

mx:XML xmlns= id=xmlMenu1
node label=Test/

!-- Here's how I'm populating the second XMLList object --
mx:XMLList xmlns= id=xmllMenu2
node label=Test/

mx:XMLListCollection id=xmllcMenu1

mx:XMLListCollection id=xmllcMenu2

mx:Tree id=treeMenu1
width=300 height=100%

mx:Tree id=treeMenu2
width=300 height=100%


[flexcoders] Re: How to make mx:Application transparent

2009-03-19 Thread elevight
I searched for wmode in Google, and it seems like it does address my problem, 
but I did see posts by other people regarding browser compatibily issues. I 
will look into it and try that, thanks for leading me to the right direction.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gustavo Duenas LRS gdue...@... wrote:

 have you tried to set the background transparent from the part of the  
 embeded like:
 param name=wmode value=transparent/
 or something like that, I used to do that in the flash using  
 swfobject but I guess that might work as well, although I've never  
 used on flex.
 Some solutions outside the mx application could be good to try.
 On Mar 18, 2009, at 8:01 PM, elevight wrote:
  Here's the code of my small application:
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;  
  width=540 height=45 horizontalScrollPolicy=off  
  paddingTop=1 paddingBottom=0 paddingLeft=0 paddingRight=0  
  mx:HBox horizontalAlign=left backgroundAlpha=0
  mx:Label text=Login:/
  mx:TextInput id=txtLogin width=165 height=20 maxChars=25/
  mx:Label text=Password:/
  mx:TextInput id=txtPassword width=165 height=20  
  maxChars=25 displayAsPassword=true/
  mx:Button id=btnSubmit label=Submit width=70/
  mx:HBox horizontalAlign=center backgroundAlpha=0
  mx:Text text=This is a test message of an error.  
  color=0xff fontWeight=bold/
  When the above application is run, I get this default blue  
  background that all Flex applications start with. I want to make it  
  transparent so that whatever my Flex application is sitting on in  
  my web page would show instead.
  I've tried setting the backgroundAlpha of the mx:Application to  
  zero but have had no effect.
  Anybody have any suggestions on how to do this? Thanks.

[flexcoders] How to make mx:Application transparent

2009-03-18 Thread elevight
Here's the code of my small application:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout=vertical
width=540 height=45 horizontalScrollPolicy=off 
paddingTop=1 paddingBottom=0 paddingLeft=0 paddingRight=0 
mx:HBox horizontalAlign=left backgroundAlpha=0
mx:Label text=Login:/
mx:TextInput id=txtLogin width=165 height=20 
mx:Label text=Password:/
mx:TextInput id=txtPassword width=165 height=20 
maxChars=25 displayAsPassword=true/
mx:Button id=btnSubmit label=Submit width=70/
mx:HBox horizontalAlign=center backgroundAlpha=0
mx:Text text=This is a test message of an error. 
color=0xff fontWeight=bold/

When the above application is run, I get this default blue background that all 
Flex applications start with. I want to make it transparent so that whatever my 
Flex application is sitting on in my web page would show instead.

I've tried setting the backgroundAlpha of the mx:Application to zero but have 
had no effect.

Anybody have any suggestions on how to do this? Thanks.

[flexcoders] Actionscript question

2009-03-02 Thread elevight
I have created an empty actionscript class, and I'm trying to use 
metadata to change the background color:


import flash.display.Sprite;

public class SampleClass extends Sprite
public function SampleClass()

But the background color is not changing to red. Can anybody see what 
I'm doing wrong?


[flexcoders] How to set VBox width to a %age in actionscript

2009-02-28 Thread elevight
This is actually my second time to post this question. No one replied 
before, so maybe it got lost in the shuffle.

In MXML, I'd set the VBox width to 100% like this:

mx:VBox width=100%/

But in actionscript:

var vbox:VBox = new VBox();
vbox.width = 100%;

The above won't work because the compiler will flag an error 
on 100%. Does anyone know how I can set a VBox's width as a 
percentage in actionscript?


[flexcoders] Question on DateField as itemrenderer

2009-02-25 Thread elevight
Has anyone ever tried using a mx.controls.DateField as an itemrenderer 
for a mx:Datagrid column? 

Unlike mx.controls.TextInput which has a property called 'text' to 
return its data, I can't find a counterpart for the DateField, so I 
don't know what to put in the 'editorDataField' property of the 

mx:DataGridColumn headerText=Birthdate dataField=birthdate 
itemEditor=mx.controls.DateField editorDataField=?? 


[flexcoders] VBox question

2009-02-25 Thread elevight
In MXML, you set a VBox's width to 100% by:

mx:VBox width=100%/

But if you instantiated a VBox in actionscript as in:

var vbox:VBox = new VBox():

How do you set its width to 100%?


[flexcoders] I don't understand why I'm getting this compiler error

2009-02-20 Thread elevight
I'm getting a compiler message saying Event 
type 'events.CustomEvent' is unavailable, and I don't understand 
why. I'm hoping a second eye might catch the problem.

My custom event class is called CustomEvent.as: (the dao.Person class 
is just a dummy class that stores a firstName, middleName, and 
lastName, and I was going to see if the data in this object will be 
available in my 'testEvent' handler).

package actionscript
import dao.Person;
import flash.events.Event;

public class CustomEvent extends Event
public var person:Person;

public function CustomEvent(person:Person, 
this.person = person;

public override function clone():Event
return new CustomEvent(person, type);

I'm trying to dispatch the above custom event from a test component 
called TestComponent.mxml:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:TextInput xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;

[Event(name=testEvent, type=events.CustomEvent)]

import actionscript.CustomEvent;
import dao.Person;

public function fireAway():void
var p:Person = new Person
(John, Missing, Doe);
var e:CustomEvent = new CustomEvent
(p, testEvent);


And finally, here is my MXML application that's supposed to test all 
this and is called CustomEventsTest.mxml:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 

import actionscript.CustomEvent;
import components.TestComponent;

private function clickHandler():void

private function testEventHandler
trace(It got here to testEventHandler.);

!-- * --
c:TestComponent id=testComponent 
!-- * --
mx:Button id=btnFireEvent 
label=Fire Event 


The compiler error message is complaining about the c:TestComponent 
between the two lines of asterisks. Can anyone see why the compiler 
is telling me 
why CustomEvent is unavailable?

Thanks in advance for your time.

[flexcoders] Re: How to stop Flex from compiling my Java source files

2009-02-18 Thread elevight
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Ryan Graham ryan.gra...@... 

  Java source files are in C:\Tomcat5\webapps\FlexApp\WEB-INF\src. 
  I build my Flex application, it tries to recompile the Java source
  files. Is there a way I can tell Flex Builder to leave my Java 
  files alone? It's causing me servlet errors.
 Switch to ANT for more granular builds?
That's what I had to do, create my Java project in Eclipse separately 
from my Flex app, then just copied the java class files over after 
each time I compiled.

I did not have this problem with Flex 1.5 and Flex 2.0. Amazing how I 
end up facing a basic problem like this with Flex 3.0 with no quick 
solution within Flex Builder.

[flexcoders] How to stop Flex from compiling my Java source files

2009-02-14 Thread elevight
I'm using Flex 3.0.2 along with Tomcat 5.0. I code my Java using 
Eclipse 3.1, and I was having problems which I later discovered was 
being caused because Flex Builder was compiling my Java source files.

I have my Flex source files in C:\Tomcat5\webapps\FlexApp\src, and my 
Java source files are in C:\Tomcat5\webapps\FlexApp\WEB-INF\src. When 
I build my Flex application, it tries to recompile the Java source 
files. Is there a way I can tell Flex Builder to leave my Java source 
files alone? It's causing me servlet errors.


[flexcoders] Re: How to control depth

2006-11-30 Thread elevight
Does anyone know how to control the z-axis of objects?

Here's a very short code snippet to illustrate my question:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 
mx:VBox id=vboxRed backgroundColor=red width=100 
mx:VBox id=vboxBlue backgroundColor=blue width=200 


In the above, vboxBlue was instantiated after vboxRed, and hence, 
appears on top of vboxRed. How can I, during runtime, make vboxRed be 
on top of vboxBlue?


[flexcoders] RE: How to place multiple Flex 2 applications in one HTML page

2006-11-02 Thread elevight
My objective is to put multiple Flex applications within one HTML 
page with each application residing in its own table td cell.

Let's say my application's name is HelloWorld.mxml, which resides in 

When I look inside HelloWorld.html, I see a javascript function call, 
but this won't work for me because it lacks the ability to interface 
with HTML for me to tell it which table cell to appear in.

I noticed in the noscript section, there is an object tag, but 
when I try to view a HTML page with just that object tag code 
block, I see the gradient background, but none of my visual 
components would appear. I was hoping this would work, then I could 
just copy/pasted the whole object code block and paste it within my 
td tags.

Could anyone help me on this please?


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